The Cool Kids

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 The camp information table is draped in dark purple fabric. Rocks and big pinecones hold down stacks of different photocopied flyers. Sitting behind the table is a girl with long black hair. No, not a girl. She looks too old to be in high school and way too cool for a dusty table at a summer camp. She must be one of the Astronomy class sponsors. I hear Janna's footsteps stop behind me as I walk towards the 'girl.' I take this as a not so subtle clue that I'm on my own.

I walk up to the table. The tall pines and late afternoon sun combine at an angle so there is shaft of light stabbing me in the eye no matter where I try to stand. The contrast of light and dark makes it hard to see the person behind the table. She makes no effort to move out of the shadows and instead sounds somewhat amused by my inability to find a good spot to have a conversation.

"Hi," I say, sticking my hand in the general direction of where I think she is.


Not exactly the friendliest response. Also a step more to the left than I anticipated. "Lux," I answer, a bit flustered. "Luxanna. My group is the—"

"Hmmm... 'the Star Sisters,'" the girl interrupts. Her voice holds a strong note of mocking disapproval. "That's such a... cute name. You two are the last to check in. Leaders are usually the first ones to check in." She lets out an exasperated sigh for emphasis.

Sun and planet align so I'm finally granted a sliver of shade to get a better look at our collegiate judge. On closer inspection, I think I preferred the audio only version. She's pursing her lips as if she had just eaten something gross, but still had manners enough not to spit it out. A lanyard name tag with perfectly put together letters reads: Syndra.

"I'm sorry," I try again, trying to sound more confident. I knew I should have told everyone to stay together. "I stayed to make sure all our bags made it off the bus. The others were really excited about getting to the campsite."

I feel Janna's fingertips on my arm, supporting me. I look over at Janna. Her normally calm face is grimacing at the girl behind the table. I do a double take between them before returning to the conversation.

"Well, we're all here now," Janna says curtly.

"Great," Syndra says, totally not meaning it. "Space twenty-sixteen. Some of your group is already there. There's also a loud one down by the lake. I assume she's one of yours."

Jinx. Fantastic.

Syndra leans over and picks out some of the colored papers. She stops and looks up when I don't immediately acknowledge Jinx as my responsibility.

"You might want to, you know, deal with that," she says. "Here's a map and a schedule. The best viewing for the meteor shower starts after midnight."

Syndra hands me the stack of papers, her eyes narrowing as she looks me over for a final judgment. I am obviously not living up to expectations. "You understand that leaders are accountable for keeping their groups together when it gets dark, right?"

"Yes," I squeak. I nod dumbly, feeling like a child. I clear my throat to try and find my voice. "I promise I'll keep everyone together."

As if on cue, a group of four wanders in from one of the trails. It's like cool just supernovaed in the middle of camp. A wake of starstruck campers begin to gather in little eddies behind them. I can't blame them; I can't look away either.

"Now there's a team you can learn something from," Syndra says pointedly. I watch as her snark melts into a smile. "Ahri!" she squeals.

The center star in the approaching constellation looks up. She brushes her perfectly side-swept, peach bangs from her eyes, and smiles. A tall redhead, a quiet girl with mint colored curls, and a kinda cute guy with blonde hair flank their all-too popular leader. Of course the group makes their way over to us, picking up more followers like a magnet. Not only does each member exude individual awesome, they move together effortlessly. I can't help it. I'm so jealous my teeth hurt.

"Syndra," Ahri says. "Are you all done? We missed you on the hike this afternoon."

"I had to wait for the stragglers," Syndra says looking at me.

"Yeah," I say. "Sorry about that." I turn to Ahri and smile, extending a hand. "Hi. I'm Lux. You must be—"

"Cool," she says, finishing the conversation before it even got a chance to start. She eyes my extended hand floating out in space in front of her for an extra moment, really letting my awkwardness sink in for everyone. Finally her perfectly manicured fingers touch my hand in a halfhearted shake. "Charmed, I'm sure."

Ahri turns to Syndra, effectively dismissing me from the conversation.

"Okay," I say a little too loudly. "Nice meeting you, I guess."

A breeze starts to blow through camp and I turn around abruptly and pick a direction to just start walking in, any direction, as long it's not towards the information table.

Which is exactly when I run smack into Janna. The stack of camp papers goes flying. So much for situational awareness. Once again I'm on my butt in the dusty grass looking up at Janna. Only this time my annoyance is tempered by the expression on Janna's face.

Her earlier grimace has been replaced by a dark scowl. The light breeze around us picks up into a stronger gust.

"I have to take a walk," Janna says. She's not asking. She doesn't even look down in my direction. This is weird. I've never seen Janna so... so angry.

"But Janna," I say, grabbing at the flying papers and trying to pull my wind whipped hair from my mouth at the same time. "They just told us to stay together."

It's too late. Janna walks down a shady trail taking the wind with her. Behind me, above the dying wind, I hear Syndra laughing. I hope it's at something clever Ahri must have said. I venture a quick look back, only to catch Syndra looking directly at me. And smiling.

I turn away and concentrate on putting my multi-colored stack of flyers back together, letting the trail of lost paper take me as far away from the cool kids as I can get.

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