"Oh shot it's bout to rain." Jahseh said getting out the pool.

"No it's not ." I said closing my eyes.
Then that's when it began to pour down on us hard.

I got out the pull and grabbed my things.

"Ion have a towel."

"Just come in."

I tip toed inside. It was cold In the house.

"I'll go get you a shirt and boxers." Jahseh's said going to his room.

He came back a few minutes later and I told him I was going to take a shower.

I got out of the shower ten minutes later. I brought my dirty clothes into my room and sat them by the door. I began to dry my hair with the towel. I looked out the window and it was raining cats and dogs. I'm happy I don't have on a bra because phew the girls gotta breathe!

"Hey jah can one of you bring me home?"

"I don't think we should be driving the roads might be slippery." He responded.

"Yeah just text your mom in shit then you can stay the night." Stokeley suggested

I nodded my head and text my mom.
After texting her I had compromised with her .


The rain became a thunder storm which made me scared a lil.
I looked over into jahseh's room and he was a sleep as the looks of it.

I get a text so I look at my screen and it was jahseh.


Jahseh☺️: I know your looking at me.

Me: I hate thunder.

Jahseh☺️:I seen you getting scared it's so funny.


Jahseh☺️: come in my room.

Right after that I hoped out my bed and went in to his room.

"So I sleep on the floor or?"

"Get in my bed." He said making room for me.

It began to thunder which made me jump into his bed.
He started laughing
"Yo you acting like a big pussy." He says.

I roll my eyes and it thunders again . I jumped closer to jahseh holding his arm.
He wrap his arm around me and closed his eyes. I laid down and got under the blanket.

"Goodnight." He says.


It thunders again and I squeeze him tighter.

It's morning and jahseh was still asleep. What should I do get up in leave. I kind of like his bed. Then what if I wait for him to wake up.. he's gonna.. wake me up. Alright then I'm gonna lay here until he wakes up.

1 hour later (sponge bob voice)

Okay that was a bad idea because this nigga was sleep for an extra hour.

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