✼015 | Go✼

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<<1 Week Later>>


Kun looked up at the angry teenager that has just walked inside the empty classroom. Kun didn't seem surprised by Yukhei's visit. He knew this was going to happen.

"What can I do for you Xuxi?" Kun tilted his head.

Yukhei slammed his hand into the table. "Where is Jungwoo."

Kun raised his eyebrow.


"Don't you think you should calm down?" Kun looked back down to his Journal and closed it.

Yukhei took a deep breath. " I know that Jungwoo went to talk to you in the Coffee shop..."

"You did?"

Yukhei nodded. "I was there"

"Spying on your boyfriend Yukhei? don't you think that your invading his privacy?"

Yukhei shook his head. "I was with him, He told me to take him there, I guess he spotted you and told me 'I'm heading to the bathroom' and next thing you know he's having a conversation with you"

"And what do you want me to tell you?"

"After the conversation, He started to act strange"

"Okay? So?"

"Where's Jungwoo, Kun."

"I don't know, He's your boyfriend Yukhei, He should of have told you..."

Yukhei raised his eyebrow. "He should of have told me what?"

Kun stood up from the chair and grabbed his things. "I should go" He began walking to the door.

"Kun please!"

Kun paused and stayed silent. He felt guilty. He opened up his notebook and looked at the note Jungwoo gave him.

<<Flashback to coffee shop>>

"Favor?" Kun made eye contact with Jungwoo. "No way"

"Please?" Jungwoo pleaded. He looked like a puppy pleading it's owner to take it for a walk. Kun gave in.

"Fine, What is it?"

Jungwoo turned to Yukhei who was waiting in line and quickly looked back at Kun, he took out a envelope from his hoodie pocket.

Kun eyes widen. "Yukhei doesn't know yet?"

Jungwoo looked down and shook his head.

"Kim Jungwoo, Its been like what, A WEEK? since you guys have been dating and you haven't told him yet?!"

Jungwoo quickly covered Kun's mouth. "Stay quiet! Jeez!"

Kun removed Jungwoo's hand. "Why haven't you told him?" He whispered yelled.

"I don't know Kun" Jungwoo whined and hid his face with his hands. "Just promise me you'll give this to him"

"Why don't you do it?"

"Mm, Because it'll stress me more"

Kun looked at the envelope. "Fine Jungwoo, I'll give it to him."

Jungwoo eyes brighten up and he smiled. "Thank you so much Kun!"

Kun smiled softly. "Anything for you"

<<End of Flashback>>

Kun took out the envelope from his journal and handed it to Yukhei. "This is for you"

Yukhei looked at Kun. "I swear Kun if it says 'send nudes' Ima murder you"

"Gosh Xuxi! We're not in the 6th grade anymore!"

He opened up the envelope and took out a piece of paper.

He silently read the letter. His face changed expressions. "What does th-"

"Yukhei...Jungwoo is in the hospital at the moment"

Yukhei dropped the paper. "You're lying".

Kun laughed a bit and looked down to prevent Yukhei to see his tears forming. "You read the letter..."

Yukhei's vision became blurry.

He quickly sprinted out of the classroom.

He had to see Jungwoo
He had to...

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