Start from the beginning

After tugging, and pulling, and yanking, and multiple curse words coming from both boys, the jeans only made it past his thighs.

"Holy fucking shit what are those jeans made of?!" Kirishima questions.

"I wish I fuckin' knew Shitty Hair" Bakugou says panting from all the tugging and pulling of his legs.

"Ready to try again?" Kirishima asks taking hold of the ankles of the pants so he can pull.

Grabbing onto the headboard of the bed Bakugou prepares to pull his legs to him while Kirishima attempts to pull the pants off of him.

After about a minute of pulling, no dice.

"Pull harder goddamn it shitty hair." 

About four hours later, still no dice.

"Bakugou as much as your going to hate this, your going to have to ask best jeaneist for help...it seems those jeans will only come off if you go to him." Kirishima says tensing up ready to activate his quirk.

"Like fucking hell I'll ever ask that bastard for help!"

"I'll go wi-"

"Hell no, I'll live in these jeans before I ask that bastard for help."



Bakugou thought he could do it. But he couldn't.

Friday rolled around, his 5th day of having the jeans on, and he just snapped.

In the middle of a lecture, he stood up from his desk walked around the class, grabbed Kirishima's arm and pulled him out of the classroom slamming the door behind him.

Everything in the classroom was so silent you could hear a pen drop.

Until Mineta gave an awkward laugh, which everyone else soon joined in.

"Wait! Bakugou where are we going?!" Kirishima asks trying to pry his arm out of Bakugou's iron clasped grip.

"To find that fucking goddamn best Jeaniest, I'm tired of these fucking jeans!" Bakugou growls tugging a lost Kirishima after him.

"Couldn't it have waited until after class?"

"Fuck no, I need them off now."

"Couldn't you ha-"

"No just come with me shitty hair."



"Hi Mr. Best Jeaniest! Do you have a second" Kirishima asks stopping the tall man in his tracks. 

"Sure, I'm not doing anything at the moment...Bakugou?"

The hair that has been laying flat for the last week, instantly pops back up into his natural spikes.

Kirishima has to suppress a laugh that builds in the back of his throat at the look on Katsuki's face. His eyebrows are scrunched together, eyes narrowed resembling a cats, and hands clenched into fists at his side, biting back multiple insults.

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