Chapter 4: Gay?

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*Dante's POV*
~5th Grade~

"Hey, uh, Vylad!" I called to the youngest Ro'Meave boy. It was after school, and he was walking all by himself. "Wait up!"

Vylad spun around to face me, flashing me the brightest of smiles I have ever seen. I felt this weird feeling in my chest, that I rarely feel. It kinda stings a little. I think I need to tell my mom to take me to a doctor, and get a check-up.

"Hey..," he trailed off, finishing his sentence with a loving sigh. He seemed lost in thought about something, but I couldn't figure out what. It was weird.

"Where are you brothers..?" I asked, looking around. I couldn't see either of them, anywhere. Were they really going to let him walk all by himself? He could get hurt! Or worse... "They aren't walking with you?"

"Garroth has baseball, and Zane doesn't like walking for more than five minutes, so he took the bus," Vylad simply answered, before going back to staring into space, with a goofy smile. He looked kinda cute with it. Like, really cute.


Where the heck did that come from? Why do I think that he's so cute?

I don't know, why. I'm getting weird feelings though, that I don't like.

"So why didn't you take the bus, as well? It's kinda scary walking by yourself and all..."

"It's okay! I'm a big..," Vylad paused, trying to think of the right word, "...boy!"

"Do you even know what you are?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you--," I trailed off, thinking it rude to ask questions like that. "Nevermind. So, uh...where do you live?"

"Um, I'm not good at addresses, but I live in a big, grey house, with the silver-coloured fence, near that gas station with the bear statue...down the road from the computer store, thingy."

"Oh, hey! I actually live close to there!" I beamed. "I know that house, as well. I pass by it on my way to school... Do you mind if I walk with you? Seeing as we live really close, and all, and I don't want you getting hurt or anything."

"Well, we already are walking together, silly!" Vylad giggled, causing me to blush a little. "But, sure! I don't mind! I--"

"Hey, little bro!"

Vylad and I both spun around, and my face lit up to see my big brother Gene strolling over to us. Sasha and Zenix trailed behind him, whispering to each other about something. I waved them over, turning to face Vylad, to introduce him to them, when I saw the look on his face. A look, that made that weird feeling that I got in my tummy before, to one that hurt a little bit. But, again, I'm not sure why...

Vylad's bright green eyes were wide, and his smile was even bigger than before, as he stared at Gene's group. His face tinted red, and he began to nervously fidget with the hem of his uniform, and his chewed down nails. The look he gave reminded me of Travis whenever he looked at someone like Katelyn. And, for some reason, I didn't like that he was making that look at someone else...

Oh no...

"Who's your little friend, lil' brother?" Gene crossed his arms, looking down at Vylad, who was staring past him.

"Uh, um," I scratched the back of my head, "Gene, this is, um... Vylad. His name is Vylad Ro'Meave..."

"Ro'Meave?" Gene narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Where have I heard that before?"

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