Chapter 08: She Realized

Beginne am Anfang

Third Person's POV

Your kiss was interrupted when the room was suddenly lit up with blinding light. You two were frozen from your position.

Elizabeth gave out her appearance, holding a sword in her right hand and a gun on the other. It is firmly held in her both hands.

She squealed dramatically and she brought her hand the one holding a gun up to her mouth.

"Oh, What an adorable scene!" she continued squealing but in seconds she gave an evil grin with her eyes piercing.

She walked up to your way, cupping your cheeks with the cold blade of sword.

"One question and I should've got an answer," she looked right into your eyes.

She sighed then faced you again. "Do you love my Ciel?" she annoyingly questioned, the sword is pointed to your throat. Your one eyebrow twitched in her stupid question. Is it needed to be asked when it is already showed and obvious?

You reluctantly and slowly nodded with your flushed face looking down in embarrassment, hoping that Ciel didn't see it.

She frowned but then gave a bitter smile in satisfaction with your simple answer.

- - -

Sebastian was chained into the seemingly old wall. He won't make a move till his master says so.

The certain white haired butler walked up to him.

"Why have your master secretly had an affair with such a mere maid? Did you left him unguarded? Did you know that, that opposes Her Majesty?" he calmly questioned yet annoying. Plus his sly close eyed smile. He's like imitating Sebastian's signature smile.

"Excuse me, why would I left him unguarded, you say? What kind of butler would I be if I'd?" a simple answer from Sebastian, his head's slightly facing down.

Ash gave a grin. "You know, you're removing the tastes of your meal, pathetic demon." he teasingly said.

" What my master wants, I don't question it." Sebastian shot with faint smile but he inevitably thought of what Ash said.

- - -

"I'll ask the same question, Ciel. Do you love this maid?!" she gripped his both cheeks with her palm. Tears were slowly streaming down her face. "Answer me!" with that, a bullet release from her gun and it hit the air.

"What if yes?!" he yelled, you turned to him in surprise.

"Then...!" she trailed off whilst her tears continously shedding and she pointed the tip of the sword right in her throat, threatening to stab herself.

"No, Lizzy, don't do that!" you yelled. She fell in her knees, dropping her grip in sword and gun; she's sobbing.

"Lizzy... I know that you know that I don't deserve your love, find the one that'll take care of you... that'll love you... and sorry to say... I'm not that person..." he sincerely said.

"And...just accept that I already have the one that I love and also loves me..." he added.

She wiped away her tears and turned to hug Ciel. "I'm sorry... I'm such a foolish lady... I've been selfish..." she said in between her soft sobs.

"It's alright." he hugged her back. She pulled away from hug and turned to look at you.

She approached you and gave you the same hug. "I'm so sorry... for what I've done to you..." you patted her head lightly.

"It's okay, Lizzy." you replied and gave a light smile. "...Can we retrieve our friendship?" you vigourously nodded and pecked her forehead.

"Thanks..." she hugged you tightly. "You're welcome...Lizzy,"

- - -

"Grell Sutcliff. Here's the To-Die list. Come back here once you complete collecting." the certain emotionless brunette said. He adjusted his spectacles with his Death Scythe.

"Yeah, yeah." Grell got the To-Die and he blowed a flying kiss towards William then he turned away.

Grell travelled through the roofs of every home he took a step in. He stopped for a while to take a look in the papers he was holding.

The person destined to die is working for Her Majesty. He will face his death today at 11pm approximately.

"I sense demon nearby! It must be Sebastian!" Grell mumbled as he got in front of Palace. He looked at the guards in both sides. They seem like nothing so he unflinchingly entered but stopped when someone grabbed his arm. "Hey!" he slapped the hand gripping his arm.

He looked back to see whose arm is it. It's from one of the guards. "Who are you, did Her Majesty gave you an invitation?" question that annoyed him.

"Let go of me!" Grell exclaimed. He used his inhuman strength to let himself go.

They went after him but they stopped when Grell pulled his Death Scythe from nowhere and brandished it. "If you go after me, I'd cut your heads off!" he threatened.

Grell had collected the soul destined to be. He got himself out through the large window. The scent was getting stronger and he traced it and he found himself going to a dark room yet only light up by few candles placed in wall.

His eyes widened as he saw the extremely handsome butler in black inside.

Grell heartlessly cut the guards heads off. He bent the railings for him to get inside.

Sebastian's left alone in the narrow room. He got up when he heard something outside. He sensed it's a Shinigami. He's absolutely right. It's Grell.

"Oh, Sebby~!" he squealed.

"What are you doing here?!" they both asked each other.

"To retrieve you!" he said as he walked up to him and get Sebastian out of the chains with his chainsaw.

"In return, you'll have a date with me!" he winked at Sebastian, causing him to narrowed his gaze upon hearing Grell's statement.

"Excuse me, Grell-san, I didn't even ask you to retrieve me."

* * *

A/N: Two chapters left! And this would end. Thank for the one reading this~! I hope I'd reach your expectations when this ends.

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