Chapter 1

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My name is Hannah Thompson. I'm originally from Nova Scotia, Canada. I moved to Melbourne at the beginning of last month (November) with my dad due to his new job. We're always moving because of his job, and honestly I'm starting to get sick and tired of leaving my friends right after I meet them. Lately I've just decided to keep to myself. What's the point in making friends when you're just going to have to leave them in 2 months anyways?

My dad promised we'd be in Melbourne for at least a year this time. I hope he's not lying because I've had the time of my life here. I've met so many awesome people and I've fallen in love. I can't leave. I don't want to leave. 

Let's go back to last month, when I moved here. 


"Welcome to Melbourne!" said the pilot over the speakers of the airplane. "We hope you enjoyed your flight with Qantas airlines. Fly with us again!" I sure hoped we wouldn't be flying again anytime soon. 

"Can you grab my laptop out of the overhead cabins, Hannah? Be careful, don't let it hit anything on the way down."

"Yeah dad. Can you just let me get my stuff? I'm going as quickly as I can with people trying to rush off the airplane."

As soon as we got into the airport, my dad bought me a train ticket. He was going to meet with his new boss in 3 hours, and he was going to stay in a hotel for the night near his new office. 

"Your brother is going to meet you at the train station and bring you to our new house. You can start unpacking as soon as you get inside, I'll see you tomorrow night. Love you honey, be safe." said my dad. 

My brother flew out to Melbourne last month to claim the house and set up his stuff. He decided he was going to the University of Sydney in February, and he wanted to get used to living in Australia before going away. Australia is much different than my little town in Nova Scotia, let me tell you.


(If you want to see the outfit Hanna was weraing, go to

I boarded the train to Melbourne. I put in my earbuds and put my head against the window, trying to fall asleep. It was a little bit hard to fall asleep because there were a couple of obnoxious boys on my train that kept making weird barking noises. Real mature. 

I was awakened by a wet feeling on my ear. I looked beside me and saw one of the rowdy boys sitting beside me but looking at the ceiling, almost trying not to laugh. I looked around a bit more and spotted a couple of the other boys sitting behind a video camera, trying to be discreet and hiding behind other passengers. 

I smirked and waved to the camera, and then without really thinking, I turned to the boy beside me and licked his ear back. I heard the boys behind the camera snicker, and the boy beside me turned to me and said, "What the hell, what was that for?!"

"Just returning the favour", I said and winked at him. 

He smiled and said, "I'm Beau." 

"I'm Hannah." I replied. 

Beau called his friends over and sat them down in front of me. They were all so gorgeous. Unhumanly good looking. "These are my younger brothers, Luke and Jai, and these are our best friends James and Daniel. But you can call him Skip. Boys this is Hannah."

"Hey boys," I said. "So what's with the video camera and the ear-licking?" I asked, laughing. 

"We're doing a video for YouTube. We're going to call it awkward train situations." explained Luke.

"And is this a common occurence for you guys...?" I asked.

"We do weird stunts around Melbourne for our fans. Have you heard of us? We call ourselves the Janoskians." replied James.

"The Janoskians? No I've never heard of you... sorry!" I apologised. All at once, all of the boys' faces dropped.

"We're kind of famous!" Skip said, sarcastically with a smile. 

Beau punched him playfully in the arm and said "Geez, conceited much? Haha,"


After talking to the boys for a bit and telling them where I'm from and why I moved to Melbourne, they invited me to hang out with them and help put their video together. 

"I'd love to, but I'm meeting my brother at the train station and he's taking me to my new house. Maybe another time?" I politely declined.

"Yeah, definitely!" Beau said. "Can we have your number?"

"Sure!" I couldn't beleive these 5 cute boys were asking for my number. I had a feeling I would like it here. I wrote down my number on a sticky note and said "Hope to hear from you!" as I got off the train. 

"Bye Hannah!" they all yelled in unison. 

Later that night, when I got home and settled in, I got a text message.

Unknown Number: Hey Hannah, hope you got settled in to your new house nicely. Here's the link to our video if you want to see it. -Beau

I just felt my heart melt. He was so cute, nice, funny, daring, sweet, and he was thinking of me. Hannah Jane Thompson.


I clicked on the link and watched the video. The stunts on the video that had happened while I was sleeping were hilarious! I couldn't beleive it! All of the boys had such a great sense of humour, and none of them were afraid to do anything. I felt so lucky to have met them.

The part of the video with me in it came on. Ugh I looked so gross when I slept. I watched as Beau licked my ear and woke me up. I watched as I looked around at him, at the other people in the train, at the video camera. I did my little wave and licked his ear. I heard the snickers of the boys filming. And that's where they cut it off.

I looked through the comments on the video, and they all said similar things. "THAT GIRL IS SO FREAKING LUCKY." "That girl better back off my Beau." and "omg i bet that girl doesn't even know who they are. she doesn't deserve to lick a janoskian."

So apparently these guys were pretty popular. I would have been surprised if they weren't.

I replied to the text message and saved Beau's number in my phone. "Thanks! It looks great. All settled in, thanks for checking up on me. -Hannah"

Almost instantly, I received a reply. "You're welcome, cutie ;)"

I. Just. Died. 

That night I did what felt like 5 hours of research on the boys. I needed to find out more. 

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