Chapter 28 ( Where is she! )

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"You guys look super cute!"  Hailey gushed out grinning at her best friend.

"Thanks, Hailey. You too look gorgeous with that pink top. Absolutely sexy!" Vanessa said already hugging her.

I looked at Ryan and we both said it together.


I rolled my eyes smiling slightly making my way to the kitchen with Ryan behind me, we left them to complete their talk or whatever and we went to finish the remaining preparations.

About half an hour later everything was ready and the music was blasting with my door already open for the guests.

James, Ryan and Vee sat on the couch. Me and Hailey sat on the couch beside it.

We kept cracking jocks and laughing as the people kept joining the party. We were enjoying ourselves.

An hour later the house was somehow full and my living was filled with drunk teenagers dancing to New Rules by Dua Lipa.

Damn my parties do not disappoint.

"I'm going to the bathroom," James said standing up making his way to the bathroom. I turned to Hailey and whispered in her ear. "Hay Hay," She shivered and I smiled knowing that I had an effect on her.

"Yeah..." She said almost breathlessly.

"I forgot to tell you something important." I whispered.

"What?" She asked.

"You look beautiful." I said grinning, she turned to look at me with a half smirk—half smile face on.

"I forgot to tell you something important too." She whispered in my ear and I gulped.


"I know I look beautiful..." She whispered making my grin gets bigger I its possible.

"I love my confident girlfriend."I said facing her pulling her for a kiss.

I kissed with passion and love, Never have I ever thought I would love a girl like this. She lights my world. I pulled away wanting to pull back and kiss the day light out of her and she was about to pull me in but that's when Emma's voice interrupted us.

The manipulative Bitch.

"What a party!" She said excitedly. I immediately groaned as Hailey pulled away from me to greet her.


"Hey, Emma." Hailey said smiling, "Hey, Hailey... Your parties still a kick ass Ian." She said pointing the last part to me but I didn't reply to her just like I didn't heard her. Maybe Hailey have forgiven her but I didn't this is just one of her games and I tried to warn Hailey but she didn't listen.

I heard James's voice as he was coming at our direction.

"Come on let's dance!" Emma said in a hurry pulling her to the dance floor.

This shit is weird.

I pulled my phone out scrolling through Instagram trying to kill time.

Yeah, I'm bored in my party.

Weird, Trust me I know.

I looked at them they were dancing happily. So was Ryan and Vee.

"Come on," I said standing up gesturing for James to come.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm gonna introduce you to a girl like a promised."

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