Never Give Up

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Xuli's POV

It's been 3 weeks since the incident with Glitch, I was getting used to being the only girl again! I laid down on my favourite spot on the hill. Kyan did the same and grabbed my hand. Liam laid down next to me and held my hand as well

"I'm so glad that everything's ok" Kyan said

"Yeah, Xuli almost died!"

"Ugh, don't remind me!" I said

I lifted both my hands and the two guys blushed

"What are we gonna do about that?" Kyan asked

"We'll figure something out.. somehow"

We lay there staring at the sunset. When the stars came out, Kyan hugged me from behind and Liam hugged me from the front. We slept there that night, but seriously.. how the hell is this going to work out?

??? POV

Aww isn't that adorable! They think everything's over! But it isn't...

WHO IS ????

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