Don't fight

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Kyan's POV

I can't BELIEVE Liam did that last night! He was with Xuli! I don't blame her with anything though, it was all Liam!

This morning, everyone was at the table eating breakfast, even.. Liam -_-

I moved my chair and took a bite of my toast. There was an awkward silence for a while. "So uh.. morning everyone?" Liam said to break the silence

Everyone said "morning" back except me, I just stared straight at him. He gulped and looked away

Yeah, you better be scared!

There was another silence after that. Liam kept looking at Xuli, without her knowing, and smiling

You smile at her one more time.. I dare you

And he did

I slammed my hands on the table and everyone turned their heads. "That's it! Liam, Xuli's mine! Stop looking at her and smiling like you're something big!"

He also stood up "Kyan, you don't know what happened last night! You don't even know every detail! Me and Xuli aren't anything big, we are just friends!"

Xuli stood up "WILL YOU TWO STOP?!"

She had tears in her eyes and was still really tired. I guess it was wrong to fight in front of her

"Kyan! Liam's right! You don't know every detail! You can't just walk around and tell people that.. y'know! We're an item! And Liam.. thanks for last night"

"Hehe.. you're welcome"

The others had decided to leave me, Xuli and Liam alone in the kitchen

"Ok that's it"

I grabbed him and pinned him against the ground. Xuli backed up, hand to mouth and tears in her eyes

"Kyan! Let go!"

"I won't let go! She's mine! And she's never gonna be yours!"

We just stayed there, fighting, and we didn't know Xuli was literally flooding the place

Xuli's POV

I was trying to hold back tears but I couldn't. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and didn't know what to do. The only people in the room who could help me were those two idiots fighting! I was forced to lean against a wall, breathing hard, I was about to pass out

The room was spinning, I felt really hot, and no one noticed me! I closed my eyes and gradually let myself fall onto the ground with a loud thud. And everything turned black

Liam's POV

Kyan still had me pinned to the ground before we both heard a noise behind us.

Kyan let go of me "Xuli!" Turns out, she had fainted while we were fighting! He carried her to bed and shut the door. "This is all your fault!" He said before going to him room and shutting the door

Actually.. you started the fight, idiot

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