The new Go Jetter

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Ubercorn ran up to the Go Jetters, who were sitting in their seats with nothing to do, and started dancing

Kyan looked at the others, then back at Ubercorn "um.. why are you dancing, Ubercorn? Is there something going on?"

Ubercorn stopped dancing "a new Go Jetter will be joining the team!"

Lars, Foz and Kyan looked at each other with smiles on their faces, but Xuli just stared at Ubercorn

"I'm guessing it's another boy? It's not like I get lonely here.. being the only girl and all.."

Ubercorn walked in front of Xuli "sorry Xuli but I'm afraid it's gonna be a boy"

All she's ever wanted was another girl to join the team! From the day she walked in, she knew that she was gonna be the only girl. And a lot of people have been sending her emails telling her to just quit so a boy could take her place! Maybe when the new Go Jetter was going to replace her!

Xuli walked slowly to her room and shut the door. Ubercorn and the others kept on dancing outside. She opened her laptop only to see some more emails from random people. This had been going on for months but she decided not to tell the others just in case it got worse

Anonymous282: You should really just quit the Go Jetters and never come back!

"I will never do that!"

IhateXuli: You keep crashing the Vroomster and Lars has to fix it up over and over again!

"Everyone makes mistakes.."

JUSTLEAVE: I disagree with everyone who says that you should leave.. you need to kill yourself RIGHT NOW

She shut her laptop shut and went to her bed. She cried herself to sleep that night. No one to talk to and no one to make you feel better

Ohhh noooo...

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