kidnapped by one direction

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After hanging in my room for a little bit I decided to go downstairs, as I was walking downstairs I heard my name do I stopped and listened

"how can you fall in love with her we kidnapped her for crying out loud" Liam said in a hush tone.

"i don't know it just sorta happened ya know" Niall said with a louder voice.

"Young love young love my boy" Louis said in a sing-song voice.

"This could all turn out horribly you know" Harry said looing like hes trying to change Nialls name.

"eh what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Zayn sai dancing along while obliviously singing in his head.

"whatever just talk about something else before she hears us" Liam said sitting down acting like he was trying to change the subject.

I decided that that was my cue to go down stairs

"so how does my hair look" Zayn said touching his hair.

"well I think it looks great you know" I said while looking at his hair.

" why thank you ma lady" Zayn said sitting back with a smirk on his face.

"ya ya whatever floats your boat do what do you guys wanna do" I said sitting down beside Liam

" we could watch a movie" Louis said jumping down beside me.

" YES" we all shouted while everybody else jumped on the couch.

"Sooooo well what movie do you want to watch" Harry said dragging out the o in so.

"THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN" I said jumping up pushing Zayn off of me while doing so.

"NO LET'S WATCH BATMAN" Liam said jumping up pushing Niall of him.

"SPIDERMAN" I yelled getting in his face.

"BATMAN" Liam yelled getting closer to my face I am not backing down


"let's watch amazing spiderman" Niall said with a smile.

"right on dude" we got up and high-fived each other

We hi-fived each other while Liam is sending death glares I wonder what went up his patootie

2hours later

9:00 p.m.

The movie just got over and we all just kind of sat there in the awkward silence.

"I'm taking a shower" i said heading towards my room.

"Dont drown" Louis called after me.

I walked upstairs into my bathroom after I got all of my clothes while I was showering I started to sing and trust me I know that I can sing. Not to be all self centered i just know that i can sing.

"remember all the things that you and I did first and now your doing them with her remember all the things you and I did first you got me got me like this." i sang Cher Lloyd Want You Back i absoltutely love her.

I stepped out of the shower humming a random tune while blow dryingmy hair. I pulled on a pair of grey shorts and an over sized t-shirt. I was about to open my door but i heard people talking on the other side.

"did you record it" Niall Said with his thick Irish accent. Who knew the harmless leperchaun would have alittle bit of evil in him.

" well duh i got it its rigth here.

"we should send that to simon" Zayn said

(and yes I'm talking about Simon Cowell)

"ya that's a great idea" Liam said. Wow i thought that iwould have back up.

Deep down I was really really excited that the Simon Cowell will get to hear me sing but I was never the one that liked to know that I can sing i open the door to 5 boys sitting on my bed listening to the recording they took and they still haven't notice me

I was still standing when i finally decided to make myself noticable. I mustered up the best fake cough i have ever given.They all whipp there heads looking at me with innocent faces crossed with a guilty look.

"uh hey Taylor watcha doin" Zayn said while having a scared look on his face.

''well I was about to go to bed but I think the real question is what are you guys doing" i said leaning against my door frame.

"well we are currently listening to the greatest singer I have ever heard and that is about to face simon Cowell" Harry said with a smile.

"well I am tired and I am still gonna get you back for dumping me in the pool don't think I would let that slide well it was nice talking to you boys but get out of here me and bob need our beauty sleep" i said shoving all off my bed and climbing under my soft fuzzy comforter.

They finally got up and went to there own rooms those boys really thought I was going to bed haha I still have lots of pranking I waited for 2 hours until I was convinced that the boys were asleep so right now it is about 11:30 p.m. I of course had to occupy myself with facebook and wattpad. I got out of bed and went to Harrys room first. I found some baby powder in Harrys bathroom and put it in all of there hair dryers and then I masking tape across there door way so then they would run right into to it

I finally decided it was time to go to bed man I can't wait for the morning


I woke up once again to the sound of screaming

"TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!'' I heard all the boys scream. This should be good.


so how was that chapter I won't be updating any more tonight but I will update alot tomorrow I pinkie promise well good night people hopefully you like this book buh bye

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