Kidnapped By One Direction

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I found my seat in first class and it was by a window. Whoo hoo go me and yes that was sarcasticness in my voice. Well actually my mind but i think you get it. I sat down and sat there waiting for them to tell us to put on our seatbelts. I honestly hate planes. Simon told me that i would just be going to Australia and some places around the UK.

Will all passengers please put on your seatbelts.

I put my seat belt on and felt the engine on the plane start up. I pulled out my iphone and pulled out my earphones just listened to music. Not even 10 minutes later i fell asleep.

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. I pulled out my earphones and looked up. I was met by a little girl looking very excited... must be a fan.

" Hi" i said smiling at her.

She was really nervous i could tell. "umm uh hi my names Ali and i was wondering if i could get a picture and an autograph." She said with hopefull eyes.

I smiled at her and said ''sure" She got out her camera and handed it to me. I pulled the camera back to where it would get both of us. The flash went off almost blinding me. Haha just kidding that would be bad. She handed me some paper and a pen. I signed my name and said "love you Ali" on it.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much keep doing what you do you are truley amazing." she said waving an giving one last hug before walking away. OMG im bored now. A flight attendant walked past but before that little hamster could get away i tapped her on her shoulder.

"Yes could i get you anything" she said with a fake smile.

"Yes how much longer  is it until we land" i asked using my fake smile. Two can play at this game chica.

"In about 2 hours " she said with the fakest smile ever i mean seriously how am i supposed to have an even bigger fake stupid smile if she walked away. You know cheaters always lose even if they say they won.

Wait what am i supposed to do for 2 hours. Ok we could mess with fly attendants Bob said. Yes great idea Bob. Yes Bob goes everywhere with me. No not everywhere i meant like if im traveling or something. He just recently got back from Hawii. Lucky boy. I called a fly attendent over. haha this is gonna be great.

"yes" he said with a too happy smile. What is up with these people with there fake faces. Oh i have a clue they must be made from china alot of fake things come from there. They probably have a "made in China" thing inbroaded in there back or somewhere.

"yes i would like some food because i am like dying of starvation over here." i said hanging my tongue out of the side of my mouth.

"umm ok we have pizza and lots of other foods" he said kind of freaked out. Be a man dude.

"Pizza would be great and a Mountain Due' I said sitting right up at the sound of pizza.

"umm are you sure you want mountain due it has alot of sugar in it which makes some people like you hyper" He said un sure and probably scared for what im about to do.

"Well i guess people like me just know whats good for me now go get my food or else im ill talk to the pilot myself about how your acting towards me buck got it get it good." I said with a sweet smile.

"o ok ill be right back" he said pratically running to get my food and drink. That boy is so lucky that i just didnt ba dazzle him in sparkles. I would like pour a whole bucket over him. I seen him walking towards me with my stuff and hurring off. Well i guess i could mess with some people after i eat.

After i was done eating i threw my trash in this little cart that would always come by every five minutes. Remind me to never order plane food ever again. I think i might puke up a horse. I got out of my seat. Bob was sleeping so dont want to disturb the monster or else he ll become a scary monster.

Secret angent tim o ya. I pulled my hands in a gun way you know when you randomly run through a store being a assassin yea like that. I walked towards the lower class. I opened the first door and looked threw. It held alot of people mostly teenagers huh wonder why. I seen a girl about 16 look ta me and scream "OMG ITS TAYLOR SMILE." Everybody looked up and everything seemed to go in slow motion everybody got up at once trying to get to me.

I ran back to m seat and pulled on a beanie and sunglasses then i pulled a blanket around my hair and body to cover myself. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Iooked up to see a girl looking at me. "umm hi did you see Taylor Smile come through here." She asked looking like she was in a hurry. Wow i have this effect on people. hahah no.

I got my old women voice out"umm i think she went throught that door over there.' I pointed to a a different lower class. She looked and bolted for the door. Haha im a ninja. I asked the flight attendant if she could like make sure no one gets through the doors. This one was actually normal thank gosh.

"Would all passengers put on there seatbelts we are about to land"

There is no way that was 2 hours i bet that girl lied to me. Shame on you where ever you are. I pulled on my seat belt and as soon as it clicked i felt the plane dipping down to land. After it landed i unbuckled myself and got all my stuff together double checking to make sure i had everything. I walked off to be met by a stuffy airport. I pulled my disguise on so know one would notice me.  I walked out the airport to see a beautiful place and let me tell you i cant wait to explore.



Hey guys howw was it. I know boring but i just wanted a quick chapter well im bored know bye

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