"What is he doing?" Stiles cried exasperatedly. "What does he want?"

"Me!" Scott yelled. "It's stronger with a pack, right?" Brooke nodded.

"Great, a psychotic werewolf that's into teamwork that's—" Brooke cut Stiles off by pointing out the window. The Alpha was staring at them from the roof, watching their every step. Suddenly, it began running towards them.

Brooke grabbed Stiles' hand and ran down the hallway just as it smashed through the window behind them. Too terrified to look back and see how close it was, Brooke ran faster as they darted through the school.

Somehow, they had made their way to the basement. They skirted around storage lockers, barely avoiding the werewolf. Brooke guided them to a small hallway, open doors leading to various storage spaces.

"Alright, we have to do something," Stiles said. Scott questioned what they could possibly do. "Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it—something."

A low growling made all three of them jump, and Brooke felt something in her darken. Suddenly, she was incredibly aware of the puncture wounds still present in her stomach. She leaned against Scott for support, but she couldn't form any words.

Scott was about to ask her what was wrong, but Stiles started reaching into his pocket for his keys. Scott tried to shush him, but he just mouthed trust me. He threw his keys into one of the open doors, and the Alpha soon rushed in at the sound.

Stiles quickly slammed the door shut, yelling at them to move a desk in front of the door. Brooke and Scott pushed the desk so it blocked the door from opening entirely, but Scott noticed how Brooke had barely helped.

He was distracted, however, as Stiles happily declared that the Alpha couldn't open the door. Brooke tried to join in on the celebration, but she felt herself getting dizzy.

"Come on, we gotta get across," Scott said to Brooke. He quickly helped her across the desk before the Alpha could see them. She stumbled into Stiles as she landed, and his arms immediately went around her waist.

"Whoa, you okay?" He asked as he steadied her.

Brooke blinked and shook her head. "Yeah, I'm fine. We need to go," she said. Regaining her composure, she put a hand on both boys and pulled them away from the Alpha.

"Wait, I want to get a look at it!" Stiles said, pulling Brooke in the opposite direction and looking through the small window on the door.

"Are you crazy?" Scott asked.

It seemed as if Stiles was indeed crazy, as he ignored Scott's and Brooke's pleas. After taunting it, he turned back to his friends. Just as he tried to reassure them that the Alpha wasn't going anywhere, a loud crash was heard as it broke through the ceiling.

The ceiling above them began to grunt and bend under its weight, and the three were soon running again. However, Brooke wasn't as fast as she was before and felt herself begin to slow. Stiles turned back to tell her to hurry up, but stopped when he saw her face.

"Brooke?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

Instinctively, she placed her hand on her stomach, willing the wounds to heal. Stiles and Scott's eyes widened when they saw the blood on her shirt.

"Why aren't you healing?" Stiles asked. Scott looked at his friend questioningly, and Brooke gathered that Stiles hadn't told him about her abilities. Part of her wanted to smile knowing he kept her secret.

"It's from an Alpha," Brooke managed to mutter. "Takes longer to heal."

"We have to slow down for a second. You're gonna bleed out otherwise," Stiles said, placing one arm around her shoulders.

Brooke shook her head adamantly. "No, we have to keep going. I'll be fine." She shook Stiles' arm off her and began walking towards the school's main entrance, a determined look on her face. She only made it a few steps before she stumbled again.

"Yeah, I don't think so," Stiles said. Both he and Scott got on either side of her, wrapping an arm around her waist and shoulders to keep her steady. Brooke was about to argue, but Scott cut her off.

"Wait, do you hear that?" He asked looking around. Brooke couldn't hear anything except for a high-pitched buzzing. "It sounds like a phone ringing."

"What?" Stiles asked.

"I know that ring. It's Allison's phone," Scott said. He turned towards Stiles. "Give me your phone!"

Stiles gave Scott his phone, and he quickly called Allison. He stepped away from the two and Brooke shifted almost all her weight on to Stiles. Part of him couldn't help but blush, despite her possibly dying and an Alpha werewolf trying to kill them.

Scott told Allison to go to the lobby, and the three rapidly made their way there. Scott tried to wrap his arm around Brooke again, but she shook her head. She stood up from Stiles' grasp and breathed deeply before steadying herself.

When the two boys looked at her questioningly, Brooke said, "We can't exactly tell her I have puncture wounds from a werewolf, can we?"

She began walking towards the lobby, trying to ignore the worried looks that Scott and Stiles were sending her. She pushed through the doors that led to the lobby, Allison already waiting with a flashlight in hand.

"Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asked, pushing past her and towards the brunette.

Allison furrowed her eyebrows. "Because you asked me to." Scott's clear confusion made Allison hold up her phone, showing the three a text.

Meet me at the school. URGENT. –Scott

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asked.

"Because I didn't."

Stiles pushed forward and joined the conversation, keeping an eye on Brooke in his peripheral. "Did you drive here?"

Allison shook her head. "Jackson did."

"Jackson's here?" Brooke asked, joining them.

"Yeah, and Lydia," Allison said as if it were obvious. Brooke felt herself grow weak knowing her best friend was in the building. "What's going on? Who sent this text?"

Allison's phone began ringing again, and she answered it with an annoyed tone. "Where are you?"

A second later, Jackson and Lydia were walking through the double doors and joined them. Brooke let out a sigh of relief seeing her best friend. She immediately walked over to her and grabbed her hand, making sure she was okay.

"Brooke, what are you doing here?" Lydia asked. She gave her a once over. "Oh my god, is that blood?" She rushed closer to the blonde, placing worried hands on her arms.

"It's not mine," Brooke said. Allison, Jackson, and Lydia all shot her confused looks while Scott and Stiles both had What the hell? plastered on their faces.

"What do you mean it's not your—" Lydia began, but a large grunting sound cut them off. Brooke looked up to see the ceiling bending under the weight of something—the Alpha. The group seemingly partnered off at the eeriness of the sound. Allison and Scott grabbed each other's hands, Lydia latched on to Jackson's arm, and Stiles hand slowly encircled Brooke's wrist.

Everyone looked at Scott, and he gave them a simple command: "RUN!"

They all listened, and a second later the Alpha was crashing through the roof. Without looking back, Brooke let Stiles drag her through the hallways. Six pairs of feet hitting the floor echoed down the hallways as they tried to escape.


not edited oops sorry

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