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(n.) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way

The ones who brought me down

Gravity couldn't defeat the force they used to drag me down

Said I couldn't do it

Said I couldn't make it

Out of chance, I met them

Out of all the people in this world

Out of all the people in this country

Out of all the people in this city

I had to run into you

And you

And you

The one who was supposed to teach me

The one who was supposed to listen

The one who was supposed care

There is only one Earth

Chances of meeting people who bring you down

Is as big as the vast ocean of mystery

But like they say

There are many people in the sea

And because of these people I met by chance

I ended up meeting you

I felt this feeling

Where I can do anything

I'm invincible

All because of the time you take

To comfort me when my mind

Believes things that aren't true

That turn my soul a dark grey

And make my eyes turn up to the sky

And rain

The                                 voices

Like daggers

Gravity couldn't defeat the force they used to drag me down

Said I couldn't do it

Said I couldn't make it

Out of chance, I met them

But they paved the path to you

NebulochaoticDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora