Your POV

I woke up to the sound of a hatch opening up.

I rubbed my eyes the looked up. The hatch to open he tank was open. A long rope was thrown down.

I managed to pull myself up. I grabbed the rope. "Am I supposed to climb up?" I asked.

All of a sudden, Zim appeared, looking down at me from the hatch. "I am helping you get out, Earth Monkey. There are things we have to discus" Zim says.

I began tensing up. I shouldn't be, but what did Zim have to discus with me? Wasn't I going to be stuck in this tank all my life, being used for experiments?
I shut the thought down as I began climbing the rope.

It was hard keeping myself stable on the rope. I scooted my legs up every time my hands moved up.
When I reached the hatch, I placed my hands at the top of the hatch; letting go of the rope. I pushed myself out of the hatch.

Zim grabbed my wrist and led me down the steps of the tank. He led me to a dark purple door. My guess was that door was the elevator since when I went to rescue Papa, I saw a similar door when I took the elevator.

Zim pressed a button on the wall and the door opened. He moved out of my way and motioned for me to go first.

I stepped in and Zim fallowed. He pressed another wall button and the door closed, shooting up.

Zim started up a conversation as soon as the elevator shot up.
"You live here now, so what's mine is yours. You can go anywhere in this house. The only places you can't go are my lab-unless I am with you or I am experimenting on you-and the sixth floor" Zim explained.

That got my mind thinking. What's on the sixth floor? What is he trying to hide?
"What's on the sixth-"
"Don't ask questions!" Zim snapped. "That is none of your business."

After that conversation, all I thought about was, 'where is he taking me? Is he giving me a tour of his house?'

We stood in silence until I finally blurted out my thoughts.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Your room" Zim replied.

Room? I was getting a room? I thought I was a prisoner and I was staying in the lab.

"I'm getting a room?" I ask. Zim replies with a simple nod. "Why?"
"My computer told me that I should attempt to be friendly towards you, that way I can gain info-" Zim stopped himself mid sentence.
'Information on what?' I thought.
We stayed silent for a moment.
Zim then finished his sentence.
"That way I can have a human friend."

I was guessing that he was lying due to his stutter. I didn't feel like questioning him. Zim was suddenly being friendly all of a sudden; I did not want to risk being experimented on.

I simply nodded in response to Zim's explanation.

The elevator stopped and the door slid open. Zim grabbed me by the wrist and led me out of the elevator and down the hall.

The hall was quite long. I couldn't see the end of it. I looked at the walls. Most of the walls didn't have doors. There wasn't wallpaper to make them look interesting. They were just a plain magenta colour. Once in a while, I would see a door. The door always looked run down and filled with mould. The colour was always a disgusting brown colour.

After what seemed like five minutes, we reached the end of the hall. We turned towards a door on the left. This door did look exactly like the other ones. Run down, mouldy and brown mixed with green. Zim opened it and allowed me to go inside first.

I walked into the room. It was beautiful, but deformed at the same time.
The bed sat in the corner. It was a simple twin bed with a pink comforter. The legs were so unnaturally thin, I wondered how the bed was able to stay up.
The pillow was a simple white pillow. The bed had a green canopy made of ripped fabric.

An inch beside the bed was a dark brown bedside table. All that was on it was a lamp without the lamp cover. The table's legs were exactly like the bed's legs. Unnaturally thin.

There was a small window beside the bed. By small, I meant small. It was the size of an average size notebook.

Across from the bed was a wardrobe. The shade of green it was painted made me feel like throwing up. There were odd blank lines painted across the wardrobe.

On the wall beside the wardrobe was a single mirror. It was full length and its rim was pitch black.

Other than those items, the room was pretty empty. But the room wasn't that big. It was as big as my room back home.

"Now, there are things that must be explained" Zim began, shutting the bedroom door.
"You are no longer just an experiment. But you are still my slave. Everyday, I will leave you a list of tasks on the kitchen table that must be completed by the end of the day. If you fail to complete these tasks, I will preform an experiment on you" Zim explained.
"Oh and you are also to refer to me as 'Master'. Got it?" Zim asked.
I nodded in response.

"Now, would you like to join me for human food?" Zim asked.
A rumble came from my stomach. I was quite hungry. But there was a part of me that protested against going with Zim.
He wants me to eat with him? Hell no. He is forcing me to be his slave and threatening to experiment on me if I disobey orders or am unable to finish chores.

"No" I stated. Zim looked at me with a raised eyebrow and his arms folded across his chest. "That was not a request" he pointed out.
"Doesn't matter. After you keep me locked in a tank, force me to become your slave and threatening to experiment on me; do you honestly think that I am going to eat with you?"

"I am attempting to be kind to you, human. I have given you a room and offered you food! But you just want to be difficult, don't you?" Zim snapped.

Zim grabbed my wrist. His grip was almost like iron. I took my free hand to attempt to pry his hand off my wrist.
"I would rather starve than eat with you" I spat.
Zim set his magenta eyes on me. "Dear human, you need not know why, but I need you alive. I suggest you come and eat unless you want your organs ON THE OUTSIDE!" Zim yelled.

As much as I didn't want to eat with Zim, I needed food. Plus I don't really want my organs on the outside of me.
"Alright, I'll eat with you" I decided.
Zim's lips curled into a smirk. "Good human" he said. With that, Zim led me out of the room.

Dib's POV

I was inside my room, preparing a bag of supplies. I wanted to go to Zim's house to rescue (Y/N).

When Mr (L/N) came to my house last night, telling me that (Y/N) sacrificed her freedom for her father, I had mixed feelings. For one, the fact that she was that selfless made me love her even more. But another feeling was anger. She was giving up her freedom to become a stupid experiment to an alien! She knew better, didn't she?

I wanted her back with me. I wanted her safe and sound, in my arms with a book in hand. Ever since I met (Y/N), I've liked her. But over the past six years, I've fallen in love with her.
She's smart, caring, selfless and best of all, she was one of the few people in the world who actually like me. She believed me when I talked about the supernatural. She could see right through Zim's disguise.

As I placed a flashlight on my bed, I began to fantasize about rescuing (Y/N). Breaking down Zim's door, shoot Zim with one of my dad's taxers, the finding (Y/N). She'll smile and drape herself over me. Maybe I'll get a kiss on the cheek! Or better, the lips!

I sighed in happiness. Then I remembered, I have to be back in reality. I snapped out of my fantasy and brag throwing more supplies into a backpack.

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