No other choice

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   Sebastian grabs me and holds me close to him trying to calm me down, “What is it love?  It was only a dream, I’m right here.”  Not sure whether to continue freaking out or begin to sob uncontrollably, I decide to get a grip, or at least try to.  There’s no way that was only a dream, but it has to be.  If it was a vision then that means that my mother, Lyza, and Pookie are all going to die.  I can’t let that happen, too many people have already been killed because of Daisy’s obsession with me.

   I do the best I can to explain all the details of what I have just experienced.  Sebastian sits patiently, waiting for me to finish.  When I’m done and finally alittle more calm, Sebastian puts his hand over mine and gives it a gentle squeeze.  “It’s okay Susie,” he says, “you’re here with me and everyone else is down stairs, safe and sound.”   After what I just witnessed, it was the only thing that can help me right now is seeing for myself that everyone is safe.

   Sebastian and I go down stairs and sure enough Pookie and Eithan were snuggled up on the couch in front of the   fireplace, lost in their own little world.  My mother, Lyza, and Dimitri are all sitting at the dining room table strategizing on what our next move should be. 

   I clear my throat and everyone looks at me… “we have to leave this place,”  I say, as calmly as my nerves will let me.  My mother stands up and walks towards me, “What’s wrong, you look petrified?”  Sebastian takes my hand and leads me to sit at the table and Pookie and Eithan join us.  Everyone stares at me, making me even more nervous.  I finally blurt out, “I had a vision, well I think it was a vision, and some of you guys died.”  Lyza stands up and begins pacing.

   My mother puts her hand over mine and I begin telling them the story of my vision/dream.  When I get to the part that Lyza is killed, she stops pacing and gasps.  “Are you kidding me? This had better be a dream cause there’s no way that bitch is killing me.” She begins pacing again and I take it as the sign for me to continue.  After another minute I begin to cry.  “Go on,” Dimitri says. 

   No one speaks for a few minutes after I finish with the story.  The first one to speak is my mother, “Well, it’s clear to me that we should think of this as a warning. We should leave immediately, we shouldn’t chance it coming true.”  “I know a place we can go,” says Dimitri, “They don’t take too kindly to strangers but under the circumstances I’m willing to bet that they will make an exception.”

   “I know exactly where your talking about,” says Sebastian, “and there’s no way we are taking them there.”  Before I can ask what the big deal is, Dimitri takes Sebastian into the other room to talk to him.  “I don’t like this,” Eithan says.  “Me either,” says Lyza, “but what other choice do we have?” 

  After a couple minutes the guys come back into the room.  “Everyone pack your things, we will be leaving right away,” Dimitri says, then walks upstairs.  “Is something wrong?” I ask.  “No love, my brother is going up to make a phone call and let them know we are coming and to tell them about all of you.  They are people that we have known for centuries and even though they don’t like outsiders, they owe us so they will surely make an exception.”  I wanted to know more but thought it better to ask later on.  Right now all I want to do is get far away from this house.

   We are all packed and loaded up in the cars within an hour.  My mother wanted to ride with me so Lyza took her spot in the car with Dimitri.  We are only a few minutes out when I have a strange feeling comes over me.  I look behind us and there’s no one there.  I turn back around and still the feeling gets stronger.  I turn around again and scream out in shear panic.  Just then a car rams us from behind.  We skid to the right alittle but luckily Sebastian doesn’t lose control.  The car tries to hit us again but we swerve and they miss.

  Sebastian pulls the car onto the side of the road and jumps out.  Me and my mother jump out behind him and are surprised by four vampires coming at us.  Sebastian knocks two out of the way and yells for us to get back in the car.  In the distance I see Dimitri speeding towards us.  The vampires in front of me and my mother licks their lips and hiss at us.  “Where do you think your going little girls?”  the taller one says.  My hands tingle and light up blue, “None of your business asshole,” I shout, then send him flying fifteen feet away.  The other one lunges towards my mother but gets staked by Lyza before he can reach her.  “You guys where suppose to be right behind us,” she says, then pulls her stake out of the vamps chest as he melts into the ground. 

   “Where the hell did those guys come from?” Pookie asks.  “They must have been watching the house, waiting for us to make a move to leave,”  Eithan says, “hopefully they didn’t have time to alert Daisy.”   Sebastain and Dimitri finish off the other vampires and we all jump back into the cars and get back on the road.  I no longer have the eerie feeling from before but  have a new worry.  Where is this place the guys are taking us?  Why didn’t Sebastian want to take us there and why did he change his mind?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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