Darla's POV

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   I couldn't believe what I was hearing...Sebastian and Dimitri are  vampires!  How the hell havent' I known this all along?  Why hadn't I been told?  I've known Sebastian for almost a year now and he's never mentioned it.  I always knew there was something different about him but never thought of this.  And why didn't SHE warn me?  Does she not care that I'm under the roof of blood suckers?

   Once Susie freaked out I took the chance to get away from the group.  With all the drama that I was sure she would be causing, no one would even notice I was gone.  I slipped outside and pulled out the cell phone Daisy had givin me the night of the party.  Yes I said Daisy!  You see, I'm not at all like the others think...no way...Daisy has made me something much better.  And all I have to do is keep her filled in on any changes that the group decides on making.  Like when they decided to come here...I made sure she knew every detail.  Those idiots never even knew that she was right behind us in the bushes while we waited for Dimitri to pick us up from the school.  These fools are clueless and I intend on keeping it that way. 

  I was always the odd one out.  Everyone seemed to have their own little gifts that got better and better.  But no not me...all I could do so far was read palms and move things, but only small things so far.  How shitty is that?  I hated how everyone else could do things far better then me.  But they were my friends so I just smiled and waited for my gifts to come to light as something worth talking about.  Then something happened...SHE happened!

   We were at a party outside the school's gates when I heard someone calling my name.  It wasn't that I could hear someone yelling...no...it was someone calling me in my mind.  She had a beautiful voice and told me to walk east until I came to a creek then to wait on her and she would help me to master my gifts.  I couldn't tell anyone that I was hearing things, they would think I was nuts!  So I did as the voice instructed. 

   I waited at the creek  for what seemed like forever.  And just as I was about to give up...SHE appeared.  She had a huge smile on her face.  I recognised her from the vision Pookie and Susie had shown us and I instantly regretted being so naive. 

   Daisy looked me  up and down  then let out an evil laugh.  What was I thinking, coming out here all alone.  Then she was right in front of me...how did she move so fast?  She put her hand around my throat and looked me in the eyes.  "You will do as I say and I will give you everything you always wanted", she says, and without thought I heard myself repeat her..."I will do as you say and you will give me everything I always wanted."  I couldn't move...I didn't even know how I had just repeated her.  What was going on?  Then something happened.... Daisy's eyes turned completely black and I felt a shock go thru my body.  Instantly I felt as if there was nothing more important then Daisy....I would do anything she asked without question. 

   "I want you to be my inside.  You will tell me anything that changes with your friends.  You will pay special attention to Sebastian and Susie", Daisy hands me a cell phone, "You will not let any of the other's know that you have this.  You will not tell any of them about me.  Do I make myself clear?"  Daisy says as her eyes turn back to their normal shade of blue.  " As you wish', was all I said.

  I went back to the party with a whole new outlook.  I would no longer be the underdog!  No, Daisy would take care of me.  And until she says otherwise....no one will know our plans.  And once Daisy gives the word....there'd be no warning...they would all have their guards down.  Just wait.......


The photo is Daisy getting to Darla....let me know what you think guys...did you guess it was Darla all along?

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