Daisy's and Reana's POV

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                                                                      Daisy's POV

   I should've killed Sidney but o'well, I'll take care of him later.  My minion got to enjoy a tasty meal at least.  And I will definitely get the war I have been waiting for once Susie and her band of miscreants find out what we've done.  Nothing like the promise of a great fight to lighten my mood.  I wonder if they know what has happened to their darling friends yet.  Surely so, even as useless as I find them to be.  Just have to wait and see how long it takes them to find me.  Better not be too long though, I may grow bored and have to come back and finish what I started.

                                                                   Reana's POV

   Holy Shit!  I thought Gabrial was long gone, maybe even dead.  What is he doing with Daisy?  How is Susie going to handle the fact that her father has turned dark side?  If this Daisy person can really take souls like they say then surely Gabrial is lost to us forever.  Not like he would have made father of the year but at least we wouldn't be forced to kill him.  I grew to hate him for locking me away and taking my beautiful daughter, and to be honest I plotted out the different ways I would kill him if given the chance but never did I think I may actually have to one day. 

   Susie puts her hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts, "What did you just say to me?  That can't be my father, my father was killed in the war."  "We never knew that for sure dear, we only knew that he never returned," I explained.  "And now your telling me that he's one of Daisy's minions?  You know that means that he will try to kill us all," Susie says in a panic.  I begin pacing the floor, nothing could've prepared me for this. 

   Just then Dimitri comes and takes me by the arm, "I need to speak with you outside", he says.  Once outside he starts to mimic the pacing I was just doing in the house, he looks more worried then I feel.  "I didn't want to have to tell you this but Gabrial no longer has a soul if Daisy has gotten to him.  She has surely taken it, if for no other reason then to hurt Susie.  Now that he has joined her there is nothing left to do but kill them both." 

   I reach out and stop Dimitri, "I know this already, the question is how do we kill them?  Daisy is more powerful then we have givin her credit for and now that Gabrial has joined her...."  I trail off with my words, lost in thought.  How did this happen?  Did Daisy seek Gabrial out simply to hurt Susie?  And how do we stop them?


Okay guys....this chapter is SUPER short and for that I apologize...but the good news is  I am back on wattpad now so the uploads will come as quickly as I can think them up..lol.  Sorry it has taken me so long!  I definitely need some feedback so that I know where to go from here. I have a few ideas but would LOVE to hear what you think first.  Do I continue the story or is it time to bring it to an end? Let me know what you think and I'll take it from there.  Thanks guys! :)))

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