LeSecretDelavie's closing note

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Dear readers,

Thank you for being my companions on this journey.

I felt the need to embark on this project, for myself, for Jonghyun, and for you.

Jonghyun had his hardships while living. We each have our hardship because of his departure. But with love, let's fondly remember him, cherish his music, and continue to support SHINee. Each of us needs to find our own closure to this wound, to continue to live well, live happily, live inspiringly, as he would wish.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to people at Jonghyun Forever Facebook page if you need to talk about Jjong. We have people who speak different languages, thus you will be able to find at least 1 other person who can understand you and your struggle.

My precious friends,

Let's believe that life can really be beautiful if we summon our courage to earnestly explore it. As much as each of us may consider ourself as a separate entity, we can only find the real meaning of our existence through OTHER people, those that we give our care and love to.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors. May you have the courage needed to embrace this life!

Be strong. Be positive. Be the best YOU.

Warmest regards,



I had spent months contemplating on whether or not I should embark on this project. It was a very difficult decision to make. 

The main reason was because a large part of the work would be presuming the late Kim Jong Hyun's thoughts and words, which may be read as being disrespectful. Some people may think that it has a poor taste because of that approach. 

Yet, I know very well that many mourning Blingers dream about Jonghyun, even imagine having conversations with him on the daily basis. I know that some still cry out of sadness and anger about his sudden departure. I know that their depression got worse since the day he left. I know that some are tired and want to give up. I know, because I talk to some of them on the web everyday. But, I don't really know who or where they are to send help. Therefore, I decided to do this project, using a standpoint of a late-admirer and her imagination to convey "Jonghyun's wishes". Because of such imagination, this project is listed as Fanfiction.

I wholeheartedly believe that Jong Hyun fought with all he had and that he would want his beloved and his fans to live well. Hence, I hope to remind everyone of his caring and loving personality. Through this project, I hope to bring Blingers together so people can talk, encourage, and help each other win the battle against depression. 

Depression hurts. A person suffering from depression needs the appropriate medication, skilled psychiatrists, good diet and exercise routine, the ability to manage his/her thinking process, and an understanding support group. But not everyone can find this perfect combination where they live. 

Thus, I hope to create open, informative, and meaningful conversations about depression, in order to raise awareness of depression so everyone in our society can take part in the fight against it. I pray that Jong Hyun is resting in peace. I pray that none of you will give up. Please know that you are precious!


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