"How was your nap?" He asks.

"Good until someone decided to wake me up" I smile, to let him know I wasn't serious.

I look around the car, noticing that no one else is in there. "Where is everyone?" I ask.

"They've all been inside for like 30 minutes"

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"You seemed really tired"

"So you just say and watched me sleep for 30 minutes"

"Yep" he says kinda sarcastically.

"You're so weird" I say as I try to kinda stand up to get out. "Let's go inside"

When we first walk in the door, all I see is Katie.

"What took you guys so long" she says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"We were hard core making out in the back" I say sarcasm in my voice.

"Really?" She asks.

"No, Ayla was sleeping" Brennan says, letting out a small laugh.

"You guys are lame" Katie pretends to be annoyed.

My mom comes rushing in the room, looking for something.

"What are looking for mom?" I ask.

"Our plane tickets"

My heart drops.

I feel Brennan stiffen beside me.

We can't leave yet.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Sorry I phrased that wrong, I mean mine and your fathers plane tickets."

I give her a puzzled look.

"Your fathers job called and they need him there by tomorrow. So we are leaving. I talked to Jill and Mike and they said you can stay with them until swim team starts and you have to go home. Our plane leaves in" she glances at her watch "3 hours"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I can tell Brennan does too.

"I found them" I hear my dad yell from the other room, before he comes rushed out with his and my mom's bags.

My mom gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Bye honey"

"Bye" I reply.

My dad gives me a hug next, and a kiss on the head. "Be good"

"I always am" I reply.

"Bye, have fun" my mom says as she makes her way to the door.

"I will, Bye" I reply as the door is shut.


It's been about a while since we've been back. I have to leave in 2 weeks to go back home. Swim team is starting soon and the coaches really strict about not missing it. We are currently going boating for the day. Mike un-hooks the boat from the dock and starts it. We boat until we get to a sand bar with a volleyball court on it.

"Do you guys have a volleyball?" I say as I turn to Katie.

"I think so" she says as she starts searching for one. She soon finds it.

"Brennan, I challenge you to a volleyball game" Katie says to Brennan.

"I claim Ayla on my team" he says quickly.

"No way" she replies, "You get to hang out with her all the time, it's my turn for a change"

"I get to hang out with her because we're dating" he fires back.

"I should get to hang out with her because she's my friend." Katie pauses "what do you think Ayla?"

I'm not going to pick sides, especially not between the boy I want to be my boyfriend, and my friend.

I laugh, finding the argument funny, "I choose Ryan"

"Oh yeah" Ryan jumps up, and reaches his hand out for me to high-five him. I hit my hand against his as we pull up to the sand bar. We seem to be the only people there. When the boat fully stops moving, Mike talks, "okay kids, go have fun. And try not to get hurt, Ayla"

I'm a clumsy person.

And I guess that Mike has picked up on that since I've been staying with them.

"Hey, I'm not that clumsy" I say back.

I look to Brennan for him to back me up. But he's giving me a look that says that even he knows what I'm saying isn't true. I look around at the rest of the family and notice they're all giving me the look.

"Okay, I guess I am kinda clumsy. Can we just go play volleyball? I'll try not to get hurt"

"Let's go" Brennan yells. He jumps off the boat, now holding the volleyball and he starts jogging for the court. I watch him in awe as he muscles flex while he runs. Did I meant ion Brennan was shirtless? Because Brennan is shirtless. And looking fine, like always.

"Stop staring at your future husband, let's go" Katie yells. She starts running to the court before I can start to disagree. But honestly, I wouldn't mind marrying Brennan someday.


A/N I'm sorry if in the last chapter, the movement thing was weird. Ayla is NOT pregnant. I thought the movement thing was normal, but I guess it's just a me thing. Or it could be gas because I'm lactose intolerant and I eat dairy anyway. I don't know.

Sorry to confuse anyone, but Ayla is NOT pregnant.

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