Chapter 17: Love..?

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Cray placed his teeth together in anger "what did he do THIS time?!" he growled slightly "Cray!" said an Fresh with his ocean Blue blush while Cil was giggling at his boyfriend overprotective behaviour.

Undyne placed her hand around Fresh's shoulder "hey, if something happen, you can tell us you know." She said with a soft, warm smile.

Fresh did want to talk about what happened to someone, but who?

Undyne? She is gonna laugh her ass off.

Alphys? Totally gonna fangirl her eyeballs out.

Cil? Isn't he an asexual?

Swapfell? NOT happening.

Cray? He is gonna kill him!

Usually he would talk to PJ in situations like this... but of curse this is out of thought. Fresh was too embarrassed to say it anyway... but the situation made it even worse.

"you ok bro? you kinda spaced out, there.." Undyne said. She blushed and quickly took her hand off Fresh's shoulder after realising what she just said. She placed a hand on her face trying to hide her blush and looked away, making Alphys chuckle at her adorable girlfriend.

Cray glared at her with a slight blush on his cheeks. He didn't what to admit it but he was jealous! Cray is the only one who will be calling Fresh 'bro' and no one ells!

This got Fresh to giggle a bit making everyone look at him, and smile to see their friend having fun. They all hated seeing their friends sad, especially Fresh who has helped everyone in some way, and was always the one who would step in if something were to happen to his friends. Now it was their turn to help him!

Fresh frowned again making the other ones worry a bit. From Fresh point of view, it felt like they were watching a puppy being tortured.

Undyne gave a big wide smile to Fresh before saying "wanna smash something'?"

Fresh's face lighten up, remembering all the funny things they did last time Undyne said that! Cray and SF gave a sly smile knowing its about something pretty intresting.

They all grin until Alphys clears her throat making everyone look at her. Cil and Alphys gave them a incredible glare witch could scare even the most skilled assassins.

They gloup some sweat running down their foreheads. Fresh gave them a nervous smile and said "m-maybe not..." everyone nodded in agreement making Cil and Alphys turn their normal looks back, witch made the others sigh in relief.

"how about a walk, and you tell us what happened..?" asked Alphys Fresh. extremely curious what could have happened to make Fresh that troubled.

(Time Skip by authors mad expression bc she rejected too perv confessions and now they are all calling her a looser bc she doesn't want a relationship!
(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻)

And Fresh was right.

After telling everyone what happened they all had the reaction that he imagined.

Alphys was crying, being proud and had a slight nosebleed by imagining... Undyne was laughing her ass off after hearing the how they both froze, and couldn't stop laughing while hearing all those curses and swears coming out of Cray's mouth. She had fell on the floor banking it. In the other hand Cray was yelling like there was the end of the world. Cil had a small smile on his face while SF had a smug face.

Peace Vs Violence (Naj Fresh X PJ)Where stories live. Discover now