Chapter 5: Life And Lies

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"...A Broken Heart..."

Fresh's pov

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Fresh's pov

I noticed blood running down my face... 'Damn it... Im bleeding...More important than that...! They saw my eye! If they tell someone then!- They will take us away! They will take Cray away! THEY- no... NO-!' my thought's were cut off by someone punching Bunny...! "WHO THE HELL-" Bunny stoped when she turned around to face... ...PJ... GREAT! I though't just GREAT! now PJ saw my eye too! Damn it im soo screwed!

PJ's pov

I saw Fresh facepalming himshelf. What the hell is he doing in a situation like this? i thought but shook it off trying to focus on Bunny who was still looking at me socked. "Whats wrong? Arent you glad to see me?" i say ironicaly at her...but then i noticed... is she?...smirking? "NOW ITS OUR CHANCE!" she shout and a big guy grabbed both my hands wrists "ow-!"

smirking? "NOW ITS OUR CHANCE!" she shout and a big guy grabbed both my hands wrists "ow-!"

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

They were holding Fresh back "HEY LET HIM GO!" Fresh yelled at the big guy behind me... Heh... he still has it in him.. i still remembering the time we met the first thing i thought was... 'this herd has guts'... "IM your target RIGHT?! Then why are you dragging PJ in this?! He has NOTHING to do with THIS!" Fresh continued. Bunny Approaches him slowly... When she reached him... She punched him! He hit the wall making a loud 'BAM' "Fresh!" I yelled and then glared at Bunny... Fresh contained silence... Then i realised... He had... A crack on his skull...My eyes widen as i look at him... he was bleeding from his eye and head... And I cant do ANYTHING to help him... 'Damn it...' i whisper under my breath...

Fresh pov

Im bleeding...AGAIN! How do i always manage to get in situations like this?! but anyway! thats not the point right now! i need to find some way to help PJ i got him in this mess and IM going to get him out of it! The bell rang! YES! now the only thing i have to do is wait until-! "QUICK!" Bunny sout at her gang then the big guy that tied up PJ puts a black bag on PJ's head "MF-!" was all he could say! "PJ!" i shout! Damnit! Yelling wont help me! What is she even thinking?! wait....she isnt... SHE?! My eyes open wide and then it came to me 'SHE IS TRYING TO KIDNAP PJ?!' this girs is CRAZY! i need to do something! If i don't then they will get away before anyone comes here!...i dont have any ather choice? do i?... i'll have to use... 'it'...

Peace Vs Violence (Naj Fresh X PJ)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum