Chapter 1

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I could here shouting from where I was standing at the nursing station. I made my way towards the shouting to see Serena Campbell push Jasmine. I knew what was going to happen next but before I could stop her , Serena hit Jasmine across the face. When I found finally reached them Jasmine was clutching her cheek with her hand and Serena was just looking at her.

"Who do you think you are?" I shout angrily. "What's wrong with you?".

"I'm sorry" She said sounding ashamed.

"You're sorry. You just hit her across the face. You are her boss , her mentor. If you even lay a finger on her again, I will snap it clean off!" I say looking Serena right in the eye.

"Are you okay?" I ask turning towards Jasmine. Jasmine removes her hand from her cheek and I can see blood dripping down her cheek. Serena's ring must off cut her.

"Come on Jasmine" I say leading her away from Serena but not before giving Serena one final glare.

I find an empty bed at the end of the ward and close the curtain.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She was trying to talk me out of resigning" she says quietly.

"You resigned?" I ask while wiping the blood from her cheek with a cotton pad.

"Yeah. Professional suicide is what Mrs Wolfe says but I don't care anymore" she says.

"Well she's right. You should take it back. If Serena is that bad you should report her to Hansen" I tell her. "This is going to need a stitch or two" I say inspecting the wound.

"I'm not going to report her. She just lost her daughter because of me. If anything I deserved this" she says sighing.

"Elinors death was not your fault and no one deserves to be hit by their boss." I say matter of factly. "I'll be back in a minute just getting some local for the stitches" I say.

"It's grand just do it. I don't need and local" she says still sounding down.

I finish her stitches. It only takes a few seconds but it still probably hurt. Jasmine put a brave face on but I could see that she was in a lot of pain , both mentally and physically. Once I'm done I make her wait in Bernie's office while I ask Donna to get Bernie. We report what happened with Serena and as I expected Jasmine wouldn't take it to Hanson. She unresigned but refused to talk to Serena. She said she wasn't ready for that just yet. I walk out of Bernie's office with Jasmine following. Jasmine makes her way to go back to work but I stop her from doing so.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask.

"Back to work" she says.

"Oh no you're not. You are taking a break. You are not able to go back to work just yet. You suffered a shock. Go get a coffee and something to eat first." I say firmly.

"Thank you Ms.Naylor for everything but I'm grand. I just need to get back to work" she says.

"No you are going to get yourself a coffee and something to eat or you will be unable to finish your shift because I'll have to tell Mrs Wolfe to send you home. Am I clear?" I ask.

"Yes Ms Naylor" she says walking towards the elevator.

I watch her enter the elevator and when she's out of sight I call Mo.

"Hey Mo I know you're on your break and all but by any chance are you are Pulses.... perfect do me a favor......

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