Dia didn't like what he was implying. He was talking like it was sure she would stay here for a long time.

"Maybe something less revealing, but more appropriate for a woman of your status." He continued, and Dia wondered what kind of status he was referring to. "Leather maybe? I think it'll suit you. Would you like it, Squirrel?"

"Reyes" She interrupted him, as he was quickly going off on a tangent. Besides, she didn't like where this conversation was going. "Why didn't you tell me about this charade?"

Reyes looked bewildered.

"But I did. If you recall, I did say you have to act like Katrina."

He seemed confused, so surprised Dia couldn't tell if he was playing dumb or if he became dense all of a sudden.

"I'm talking about Suzanne." She said, trying hard not to scream. "Why didn't you tell me I had to act like her lover?"

Oddly enough it was the thing that angered her less, which spoke volumes about the entire situation.

"Oh, that." He shrugged. "Well, I didn't think it was a big deal."

Dia didn't know what to say. His behavior seemed so irrational she was starting to believe it wasn't entirely an act. Luckily she was feeling calmer after she almost flipped out a few minutes ago.

"Anyway, I'm here to inform you that I spread the rumor that Katrina is looking for Hall."

That got her attention.

"Any answer?"

Reyes shook his head.

"Not yet, but I didn't expect it. Gibson is paranoid, so it'll take some time before he agrees to meet you. That's why I think we have to force his hand a little."


"Showing you around." He said, on his face that smile Dia had come to know so well. "Everyone on the planet has to know that Katrina is here. Besides, she is a socialite. She likes parties, and that gives us the perfect excuse."

Dia really didn't want to ask what kind of parties she liked, but she had no choice.

"What kind of parties?"

"Don't worry, I've already prepared something for you at the Dromaton, the fanciest club in the Equalizer's district. Publicly, you'll have a little celebration for your arrival on the planet."

"Wait a second. Are you expecting me to...go clubbing?" The look on her face must have been hilarious because Reyes grinned.

"You've already been here for some days now, but you still haven't seen what the planet has to offer. I plan to remedy that."

Dia looked at him like he had two heads. Is he delusional?

And yet, he seemed completely serious. After everything that happened, he seemed to think it was perfectly normal for her to go clubbing.

"Besides, it's necessary for your cover." Reyes continued. "Suzanne will be with you, of course. Spend some time with her, I don't mind." He said like he was someway entitled to dictate how she spent her time---or with whom.

"Reyes." She spat. "what exactly do you mean with spend some time with her?"

"Nothing much. Drink something, have fun. Maybe dance with her. It would better if you were intimate, but I don't expect..."

Dia shut her eyes and started shaking her head. Her brain was going into overdrive.

"Are you listening to me?" Reyes asked.

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