I'm going to die

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I woke up in Tanners arms and I felt an uncomfortable bobbing from him walking. I can tell he is trying to be genital but is rushing to some unknown place.

"Where are we going?" he looked down at me and I realized that he is much larger than me, and I feel meek.

"I found an abandoned house and stocked it up to make you comfortable. I even found some food that is actually decent." I turned my head but the position I was in prevented me from seeing anything worthwhile.

"Why?" he looked at me with confusion, and concern.

"To make you comfortable. Are you okay? I've said that many times." I looked at the trees and leaves slowly coming near me and floating away as we moved on through the woods. Why are we going to this house?

"I'm not hungry." he laughed and I felt his chest move with amusement.

"You just puked like crazy and you may not know this but I had just found you sleeping in a pool of puke oh and your welcome for cleaning up your face and hair." I glared at him but he smirked and continued to laugh.

"So what? I'm dying and a full stomach is not required for that. I don't want to eat." his laughter died out like me and he looked worried or mad, I can't tell from this angle.

"You have to eat. Come on Rock you can at least try to survive!" his voce begged me but the shout was startling and I jerked in his arms. Tanner nearly dropped me and I wondered how long he had been walking with me weighing him down.

"Let me walk." I tried to sit up in his hold but his grip was to strong.

"No, you need to stop taking care of others and start letting them take care of you." I laughed though it hurt my stomach and fell asleep in the constant bobbing of his arms. I woke up in a soft bed covered by a thick blanket and a soft pillow supported my head. I looked around at the beautiful house, it barely looked abandoned. Tanner was in a small kitchen at the opposite corner of the bright room. I could smell wonderful foods I had never tasted before but I dont want to eat at all, just lay here and enjoy the smell. The house was more of a one room cabin but it was so well kept I could have sworn someone had been living here for years.

"Owe!" Tanner jumped and waved his right hand in the air. What does he want?

"Tanner?" he looked over hope brimming in his eye, that or tears.

"Dont worry Rock I just burnt myself." I've been called that enough.

"Tanner my name is" I began to cough and he leaned me over a bucket next to the bed. I spilled my insides and laid back. Tanner cleaned my face and sat next to the bed, I was too weak to speak any more but after a few hours he jumped up in shock and began wiping tears of my face.

"I swear I'm not crying." I said as he continued to wipe my face as if the tears weren't coming off.

"I believe you R Rock. Youre bleeding." I touched my face and looked at my fingers tipped with blood, I noticed bruises all over my arms. What's going on? No, I dont care. I'm going to die, it's not hard to see.

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