Unpredictable thieves

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Finally the Path Takers came back with quite a few bags of food.

"Rock we got what you asked for and even a cool blanket for the new guy." Charlee reported.

"Thank you I'm sure Cell will appreciate it." I took the blanket to his room and he almost broke down.

"I've never had an actual blanket before. Thank you Rock!" we spoke for a while and I left to check on Ley's lesson. When I walked in he was throwing down his pencil.

"Jamie you have to show me the lines!" she picked up his pencil and put it I his hand.

"If you can find the corner of the paper then you can find the lines" she tried to get him to try again but he cried out.

"No I Can't!" I stepped in and ran my hand across his hair

"You can do anything. Remember when you thought you couldnt the first time we started trying to wright on the lines?" he stared at the wall and said.

"Yes but that was okay I'll try." I thanked him and left to check on all the other kids.

By the time dinner had arrived I was worn thin by my work the tricks that Tanner pulls have made my work to much harder I'm just glad that everyone here has been informed of his story telling. Cell seems to be curious about Tanner and I'm afraid for his safety. Perhaps his close friendship with Jamie will keep him out of harm's way. Tanner is unpredictable and insane. I fear for the lives of all kids here.

"Rock?" I turned around to see Ely the lead cook with Aden her friend she has been teaching to be a chef.

"Yes?" she held out the list of food stored.

"We are out of pepper but the salt and sugar gardens are plentiful in the next outing can we gather only pepper?" I took the list and read thru it.

"I see. We should never need to steel more salt or sugar because we grow it so please permanently remove them from our raiding list." Ely smiled and took the list.

"Thank you Rock." as she left I heard her whisper to Aden.

"See it is not so scary to ask Rock a question." he nodded to her and they turned a corner. I was so happy to be able to take these poor kids and make them happy and independent. I know that they are unpredictable thieves as the people of the world call them but I'm proud to help them even if they could stab me in the back at any moment.

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