Chapter 4

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  I woke up and saw that I was in a in a inclosed dark room. I sat up quickly but was stoped my something hitting my head on something hard and flat.

"Ah shit." I said in a whisper right after I said that there was light filling the little box I was in.

"Nice way to wake up ya?" I heard a voice say. I turned to see Tony standing there.

"Oh hi." I said and fell back on my pillow.

"Hey so we have a sound check in an hour." He said and walked away. I sat there trying to wake up more. I sat up but not to where I would hit my head. I stepped off the bunk. But little to ny knowing I was on the top bunk. I fell and hit the ground. I just sat there on the floor for a second thinking of what just happened because my mind wasn't with me yet.

"Oh hey. Ya I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that you were on the top bunk." Tony comes to me and helps me up.

"Ya no it's ok." I said dusting off my clothes. As I was doing this I realized I was now in basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Wait that means one them had to change me. Well that's awkward.

I walked into the front of the bus hoping that's where the boys were. But it was empty. I heard voices from the back of the bus. I walked quietly to the back room of the bus. I stoped at the door when I heard Mike say.

"We can't just leave her here she's insane." he said. Wow I don't have feeling or anything.

"Mike! She is getting medication for that tomorrow. And she is not insane! She just has Schizophrenia Ok." Vic said defensively. Vic cares. He doesn't think I'm insane.

"Vic come on she had like what 3 episodes just a couple of hours ago." Jamie said. Oh it must still be the same day.

"But she does seem pretty nice. And if she takes the medication daily she will be fine." Tony said being on Vic's side.

"See." Vic said. I heard movement then foot steps coming closer I ran as quietly to the other end of the bus and sat down on the couch. Vic came to where I was and sat next to me.

"So we have a sound check today in 1 hour so do you want to come with us?" Vic said playing with my thumb.

"Um sure." I said all ready knowing that they would make me go anyway.

"Great." he said happy.

"Hey is it the same day that it was before I fell asleep." I asked to make sure I was right.

"Ya you only slept for like 30 minutes."

"Oh it felt like hours."

"Oh we need to get you some clothes!" he said standing up and running to the bus driver.

"Driver to hot topic please." he said pointing forward out the window shield. I laughed at this. Tony and Jamie came down to where me and Vic were.

"We're we headed?" Tony asked me.

"Um I think hot topic." I said unsure of where we really were going.

"Sweet!" Jamie said as Mike came in. I turned my head and didn't talk to him and he didnt talk to me either. We sat in silence, a very uncomfortable one too, in till the driver called out.

"Ok were hear!" All of the boys got up and I just sat there on the edge of my seat.

"I don't know about this guys. I don't want to wast your money." I said sincerely. Mike spoke up first.

"But it's not a wast if it's going to a good person." he said. All of the boys gave him a look. Even I was surprised of what he said. Change of heart maby?I stood up and walked to them.

"Let us go!" Jamie screeched. We got out of the van to see a bunch of people screaming and holding signs sayin ' We love you PTV' and things like that. As I walked behind them I hear some comments from some of the girls like, 'they could have picked up someone better looking than that.' and 'hey didn't I see you living in a cardboard box?' and then laughter. How did they know I was homeless. Did they see me on the streets? Every thing was in slow motion except the comments. I feel a tug on my arm and look at who it was. Vic was staring at me with an apologetic look in his eye while trying to get my attention.

"Its ok. Don't listen to them. Their just jealous they aren't you." he said then put his arm around my waist and we continued to walk.

We entered the Hot Topic to find it empty of people besides the workers. Thank god. I don't know how they live this way with all of the fans and stuff.

"Ok go pick out whatever you want. No budget." Tony said whispering the last part in my ear sending shivers down my spin.

After 3 hours of shopping I left Hot Topic with only 3 bags for me. Vic told me to go ahead back to the bus and put my stuff up. After I finished I heard the boys come into the bus. I walked to the front where they were and saw they they had about 5 bags each.

"These are for you." Vic said as they put the bags at my feet. When they put all of the bags down I was trapped in a circle of Hot Topic bags.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You can't live off of just 5 outfits." Tony said.

"Oh. But now I feel bad because you spent so much money." I said gesturing to all of the clothes.

"If it makes you feel better, We got it for free cause were famous." Jamie said whispering the last part. I giggled at this and nodded. As I did this I stumbled back and fell on the stack of bags. I stoped and just started laughing all of the boys joined me on the floor laughing. I felt happy for the first time since Nicken died. The fist time in 2 years.


YAY a new wardrobe! And a new chapter!

Please enjoy.






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