Chapter 14

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I ran over to Mike and looked into his eyes and imminently knew he was heavily drunk and very high.

"What the fuck happened to you?'' I shouted as i dragged Mike over towards the couch. I looked over for answers when all i saw was Jamie and Vic goofing off drunk off their asses. Tony yelled then ran out of the bus and across the street with a black ski mask on into an Alcohol store. Vic started to yell at him no but he soon ran back out of the store and climbed up onto the roof of the van. I left Mike on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and sprinted outside to grab Tony but he was all ready on the top.

"Why are yoooooou on the roooooof Tonyyyyyy?" Jamie slurred swaying next to me looking up at the van.

"Why are youu nooot on the roooof?" Tony said back. Vic and Jamie laughed and layed down on the sidewalk. I climbed onto the roof and coaxed Tony down and all of the guys back into the bus. I went to go tend to Mike when i saw he was curled up sleeping like a cat. 

"Okay dip-shits lets get y'all to bed." I said and pushed the rest of them to the bunks. They all collapsed on their beds and i walked over to Tony and took off his accessories like vest shoes and all that. I tended to Jamie the went over to Vic and carefully removed his beanie.

"You know Hannah, you're reeeeaaaalllllyyyy pretty." he whispered swaying forward to me. I blushed heavily and as he breathed i could smell the booze on his breath. Yup, he wont remember saying  that. I thought to myself. I took off his shoes and laid him in bed.

"Thanks." I whispered a little disappointed knowing he didn't mean it. He was really drunk, he wont remember anything after tonight. I left them to sleep and walked out to the kitchen to see Ferguson standing there with a smirk on his lips. I completely forgot he was here.

"That took to long." I said and just layed on the floor flat on my back. He strode over to me and layed next to me. He looked over and whispered, 

"That was really amazing how you just dealt will four grown ass men that drunk." and he grabbed my hand and just healed it like it was nothing. I looked over at him and smiled.

"No help from you of course." I said and playfully glared at him. He laughed and then leaned forward and put both of his hands to my face and kissed me slowly. He adjusted himself to ware he was hovering over me with both of his hand on the ground supporting him not breaking the kiss once. He pulled away and smiled at me. All i could feel was a growing heard of butterflies in my stomach on steroids. I never knew things would be going this fast but i didn't really care. I brought my arms up and wrapped them around his torso then slowly dragged them up to his neck to bring him back in while playing with the tips of his hair. Instead of kissing my lips he moved his head to the side and started to suck on my neck but not hard enough to leave a hickey.

 This was indeed a long but very enjoyable night.


... Vic... or Ferguson...

Honestly I'm kinda going to Ferguson more. I hope you all like it. Its kind of boring but ya.





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