The Truth Of The Base

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                ~This chapter is going to be a little short, sorry! But I promise I'll make the next one longer ^^~

I open my eyes and look over at Lila in her bed. She’s snoring lightly. Perfect. I slide out of bed and creep out the door. I sneak into the night, and into a vent that leads to the doc’s office. I use a pair of mini binoculars and watch as the doc turns the safe lock, looking over his shoulder every turn. 11 left. 29 right. 35 left. The huge safe clicks open, and I see a huge supply of medicine. I creep out and back into the night, where I go back to room 213 and sleep peacefully.

            The next morning, Lila is shaking me to get up.

            “Come on!” She whines. “Mr. Boss says he has a special announcement for us!” We go outside and see everyone around Mr. B, who’s on a stage of some sort. I’m momentarily surprised he could get up there. He raises his hand, and two guards bring out a young girl, no older than 12. She looks terrified.

            “The doctor said that last night, he felt someone watching him. This girl wasn’t that person, no, she was busy on equip duty. I think…” He slices her long hair off, and she starts to cry. Everyone gasps. A large bite from a zombie is already infecting her neck. “It’s time for me to resettle some rules and punishments. This, is what is going to happen if anyone is bitten,  sneaking around, stealing supplies, or trying to leave!” His voice rises to a shout. The little girl screams, and everyone, including me, stares in shock as a man dressed in all black chops her head off. Her head rolls around the stage, and into the crowd. I feel sick. I’ve never seen a person kill another publicly, unless it was the dead. Anytime I saw a human being murdered, it wasn’t as cruel at least…

            “Now,” Mr. B glares across the crowd. “Back to work!” Everyone rushes to wherever, and I notice Sarina is looking nervous, and tugging her hair over her shoulder. I furrow my brow, and then go with Lila to do chores, waiting silently for evening.

Once BittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora