At three in the morning, the common room is usually home to students studying late on weeknights, or a pile of sleeping teenagers after a movie night during the weekend. This particular 3AM was no exception, as a fretting Midoriya hurried to catch up on homework and studying after coming back from Recovery Girl (he somehow found himself heavily injured during training, though he thought those days were behind him by this point).

However an oddity made this 3AM a rather peculiar one.

Midoriya chewed on his pencil in frustration, racking his tired brain trying to solve a seemingly simple math problem, when he heard footsteps fading into the common room. He looked up to see Todoroki, face as blank as ever, walking into the room with purpose.

“Oh!” He exclaimed, pencil in mouth. He grabbed the thing and put it next to his papers on the coffee table before continuing, “Shouto! What are you doing down here…?”

While Todoroki was rather impassive and laconic, he never failed to answer a question when inquired, especially one from Midoriya. However Todoroki continued on wordlessly, not even sparing a passing glance at the green haired boy.

Instead, he made a beeline for the kitchen, his silence only prompting more worry out of Izuku, as the boy stood to follow him. “Uhm… Shouto? Are you ok?”

Shouto, again, didn't acknowledge him. He finally stopped, right in front of the large, stainless steel refrigerator. Opening the door with a force, he raises Midoriya’s confusion as he determinedly stares into the fridge.


Suddenly, Todoroki reaches into the fridge and pulls out a whole tomato rather quickly, like he’s done it a million times. Midoriya flinches.

“Sh-Shou… Shou, what are you doing…?”

At this moment, Todoroki finally lays his eyes on Midoriya, unblinking and devoid of emotion. He stares. Midoriya blinks. And sweats. Todoroki somehow brings a nervous aura to the room.

Then, with no warning, he takes a huge, undisturbed bite out of the whole fucking tomato. And, in a loud voice:



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