"Now, that is no way to enter my office. You must leave, knock and then I shall see whether you can return or not."

"Ah. Yes Professor."

She swiftly turned around, leaves the office, shuts the door as gently as she could. She waited a moment before she loudly knocked on the door.

"Professor Umbridge." she says. "Professor Umbridge, might I come in?"

The door swung open, and Umbridge sent her a small sickly smile. "A small improvement, we may work on that. Miss Black, please take a seat."

Well I wasn't going to stand.

"Miss Black, as I'm sure you know Mr Potter was here earlier yesterday. I believe he learned his lesson. Making up stories and lies for attention cannot be condoned. Now, I am aware you support him in these lies. I believe you were unconscious last year during the end of the tournament?"

Her mouth opened, "Yes but-"

"And you were unconscious for more than half the way?"

She sent her a look. "I was but-"

"Well then." she interrupted, again. "I do believe
that you deserve a different type of punishment."

Aurora furrowed her eyebrows. The women walks over towards her desk, and begun looking for something.

"As I'm sure you know that all I want in this school is order, and I most definitely don't punish students that I don't think should be punished but you on the other hand, I do believe should be punished. You are out of control at this school. Many of the Professor's let you away with your behaviour, because of what happened with your father-"

"Don't bring up my father." she cut her off, with a glare.

Umbridge handed her a long roll of parchment, and ink. "I want you to write 'I must learn to keep my mouth closed,' and I want you to write the message until it's loud and clear."

"You haven't given me a quill?"

"Ah yes." she grabbed a red quill, which had an extremely pointed nib. "You may use this one. It's special."

She shrugged, and glanced down at the parchment. She didn't start writing, until Umbridge turned back around and looked at her. A small sigh escaped her lips and she wrote the first letter. However just as she dotted the I, her pinky finger bended in the opposite direction, snapping.

When she tried to move her finger she realised it had been broken.

She then realised that the special quill was a breaking bones one. She used it once before, her grandfather made her during her summer lessons.

Has this happened to Harry? That thought was more horrible.

She wrote the next words, and when she finished, her next finger snapped. Broken. This time she had trouble keeping the noise of pain from her lips. Her eyes flickered towards Umbridge who was still looking out the window.

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