Chapter Two: The Main Event

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    Saturday came to the Allender family with a planned trip into Bergstad, where the four of them were entertained at a massive, colorfully lit cinema by Lydia's choice of a matinee viewing of the latest blockbuster film, in 3-D no less. Afterward Gale directed them to a suitable fashion store where Lydia and Corbin could find the proper attire for the upcoming dance at the academy.

    Opinions flowed as Lydia modeled dress after dress, while Corbin was bound quickly to a classic tuxedo with a purple tie and cummerbund that complimented his eyes of the same color.  The unanimous approval of Gale and Lydia with their doting assurances, and a smirking remark from Shade about looking hot sealed the deal on his tux. Lydia eventually settled on a frosty-blue gown with elegant laces and a long, ruffled skirt that more than stunned her siblings when she emerged from the dressing room. The vision she and the dress combined to make left them gaping and speechless, until Gale stepped forward and proclaimed with crossed hands over her heart and an adoring sigh,"That's the one."

    Once the shopping was done they headed to one of Shade's favorite restaurants for a carefree dinner which carried them well into the evening hours. The nineteen year gap from his family that Corbin had suffered because of Jarell was disappearing quickly, being filled with fond moments like those of Saturday, and he was never happier.

    When they returned to the manor, Shade stayed in the garage for a little workout with the punching bag while Lydia went off to her room with the dress so she could admire it while  fantasizing about the dance. That left the night and the manor to Gale and Corbin, who assembled in the coziness of the parlor after Gale prepared a cup of hot tea for both of them. The tall arched windows of the parlor granted a better view of the night than those in the living room, and the clouds of Friday had blown through, leaving behind a starry Saturday night.

    Gale and Corbin sat across from one another in padded armchairs separated by an oval coffee table. They each took a sip of their tea while they admired the night sky through the windows for a moment.

    "I spent many a night gazing off into the starlit sky back in Torrell, but none of them ever looked as magnificent as the sky over this manor," Corbin remarked.

    "No regrets then?" Gale asked, trying to hide a sneaking smile behind her teacup as she held it close for another sip.

    Corbin tilted his head at her with a cocked eyebrow. "Gale, if I thought for one second that you were serious I'd...I'd...well I don't what I'd do, but thankfully I know you're just kidding me. Of course I have no regrets, at all. My life is here, it always was."

    Gale's sneaking smile bloomed into one of satisfaction at Corbin's response, one that the teacup could no longer hide. As her smile retracted she took another sip from the cup that  she hugged with her hands for warmth. Corbin sat his on the coffee table after taking a lasting drink of the warm brew.

    "So, what's goin' on with Shade tonight? She's seemed a bit distant since the restaurant and she usually doesn't workout on Saturday nights, at least not since I've been here," Corbin asked, concerned about his speedy sister's mood.

    Gale drew in a breath then exhaled a reflective sigh. "You're right, it's quite uncommon for Shade to be out in her gym on a Saturday night. In fact, there was a time when finding her here at the manor on most any night would have been considered odd."

    Corbin shifted in his chair, crossing a leg and indicating to Gale with an interested expression that he was waiting for her to continue in what she was openly alluding to about Shade.

    "You see...," Gale started, then paused to place her cup on the table. "...Shade has always been nocturnal, always happiest at night, even when we were children. When we lost Mother, and then Pappa so soon after, she began a downward spiral into grief and bitterness, even anger. 

    She didn't want to be here at the manor, where she couldn't escape from the lingering presence of our parents, so she started going out with some friends at school just to get away. Eventually that led her to the wrong crowd, where her unresolved anger and unmourned grief found outlets through some rather dubious activities.

    During that time it was rare to find her here before dawn, and often times I wouldn't see her for days, with no knowledge of her whereabouts. My hands were full with Lydia and after a few years of failed efforts on my behalf to reach out to her, Gideon stepped in. 

    With an unflinching resolve Gideon confronted Shade's demons and made her do the same. It was a rough time for her, and him. Having to be so stern with someone he loves so dearly was not easy on his part, but he was determined to sift through Shade's issues and find the person he knew was there, buried under years of anguish.

    He succeeded, obviously, and gave us back the daughter of Hayden and Emma Allender. He taught Shade how to manage her feelings and channel her energy into more healthy outlets, like the gym out there.  

    But she is still very much a creature of the night, and as such she sometimes feels the lure of the night away from the manor, which is why she crossed your path on that fateful night barely two months ago; but she fears that the call of the night may bring with it some of what Gideon rescued her from, like it did that night. 

    I'm afraid that she still harbors regret for her former behavior, as well as shame for her absence from this family, especially Lydia's early years.

    I suspect that tonight, as she sometimes does, she feels the night beckon, and maybe a little bit of that old regret too; which perhaps explains her impromptu workout as a way of dealing with it."

    Gale's account of Shade's troubled past sunk right into Corbin. He looked toward the garage for a moment, looking for Shade through the expanse of the great house that lay between them, and as he did Gale saw their mother in his concern.

    Corbin looked back at Gale with empathy behind his eyes. "I think I'll go see if she's still out there, if you'll excuse me of course," he said.

    "Certainly," Gale readily consented, knowing that if anyone could ease Shade's dilemma, it was Corbin, who probably didn't know Shade well enough yet to realize she was quite fond of him; but Gale recognized the lively spark in Shade's dark eyes that he ignited, that only so few could.

    When Corbin strolled into the garage, the punching bag was being battered by a furious assault of Shade's streaking punches that would have rendered any opponent nothing less than adevestated. He stared in amazement at Shade's upper body, which was an absolute blur of motion as she pushed the limits of her gift against the bag. Something bothersome was definitely on her mind, and the bag was suffering for it.

    "Hey!" he yelled to get her attention.

    She stopped suddenly and turned around. "What?" she answered, a little winded.

    "You wanna go a few rounds?" he enticed, glancing over at the boxing ring with a playfully cocky grin.

    Shade studied him for a moment, considering his offer as she caught her breath. "You feelin' lucky or something," she taunted, lifted by his spirited mood.

    "Ya never know, tonight could be my night," he prodded further, shaking his shoulders to loosen up.

    "Okay, but don't whine about gettin' your butt handed to ya at breakfast in the morning, that really ruins my appetite," she jested with a smirk as she started for the ring.

    "Oh we'll see who's whining at breakfast," he returned as he peeled off his sweater to the T-shirt underneath.

    The two got ready for the late night bout with several more good humored taunts at each other that filled the gym with a festive air, and the ring with a brother who was happy to give his sister a distraction from whatever was gnawing at her. With the bump of padded fists in the center of the ring the match began and Corbin attempted to surprise Shade with a very unorthodox first punch. She grinned.   

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