Chapter One: Lydia's Request

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    Winter was in full effect outside Allender Manor, but inside it's spacious four car garage Shade and Corbin were sweating. One of the end bays had long been serving as Shade's own personal gym, complete with a punching bag, treadmill, weight machine, and even a makeshift boxing ring. In the ring Shade danced around like a boxer in sweatpants and a tank top, loosening up for the match; her hands in padded gloves and her head protected with padded gear as well.

    Corbin was preparing for the sparring contest that always ended their bi-weekly workout by adjusting his head gear in the opposite corner of the ring. Once he was ready he shook his arms for looseness, then butted his padded fists. In a tank top and sweats too, he approached Shade who met him in the center of the ring.

    "Okay, none of that speedy stuff this time," he playfully warned.

     Shade feigned an innocent, hurt look then shrugged and said,"Who, me?"

    They reached out to bump gloves, then Shade advised him with,"Just remember those moves we've been workin' on and you'll do fine."

    The two stepped away from each other then began to bob and weave as they raised their padded fists in readiness. Corbin found Shade's shimmering brown ponytail, which snuck out of the back of her headgear and swung between her shoulders as she danced around, to be a little distracting; but he tried to calculate her first move by staying glued to her dark eyes, which were full of eagerness for round one of their match.

    Shade tried to catch him off guard with a left jab, but he dodged it as he countered with a right hook that barely grazed her headgear as she snapped back. She smiled at the glancing blow, enjoying immensely the thrill of sparring with her brother, especially since he was getting better. Corbin focused on his breathing to remain poised and ready. Since he wasn't quite sure enough of himself yet to go on the offensive, he stuck with a strategy of defense and counters. 

    The bout between the two went on and on. Punches were thrown, blows landed, and sweat fell in bucketfuls. Finally, after several rounds, when both Shade and Corbin's limbs were starting to become like noodles, Gale strode gracefully into the garage with a tall water bottle in each hand. 

    "Ding, ding! I hereby declare this match a draw," Gale announced near the ring, to bring an end to the session as well as their attention to the much needed water in her hands.

    Breathing heavily, Shade and Corbin met once again in the center of the ring to bump gloves, this time with heavy fists and tired arms. Shade gave Corbin a double tap on the head for his improved efforts, and to remind him of her appreciation for joining her in the ring, then they walked over to Gale and took the water bottles from her with appreciative nods since they were breathing too heavily for words.

    After a couple of deep swigs from his bottle, Corbin climbed out of the ring and made his way over to a waiting fold-out chair where he sat down in an exhausted slump. Shade did the same at the opposite side of the ring. Corbin took another deep gulp from the bottle, then he slid the sweaty headgear off his head and began to work at removing his gloves. Gale wandered up beside him.

    "You've only been with us for two months now, don't let Shade wear you out too soon," Gale jokingly remarked.

    In between heavy gasps for breath Corbin replied,"Oh no...I'm fine...I really with her."

    "And I assure you she loves every minute of it. In recent years Gideon hasn't had as much spare time as he once did, so Shade has been sorely lacking someone to spar with," Gale disclosed.

    "I'm sure he...made for a much more suitable...opponent," Corbin said, getting closer to a normal rate of breathing.

    "He could almost match her speed, almost; but don't sell yourself short. Shade has boasted to me of your quick learning," Gale encouraged.

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