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Leo had rebuilt the ferry about a month ago. It was more stable and could take hits better than the original one. Which was beneficial since the robot now had a place to hide in. The gang had made it back. Using his powers, the pilot summoned the machine. Its foot landed on them, which allowed them to go up the elevator. Casey always used teleportation to get into places, so this was a first for her. She let out a "woo!" as they reached the top. Everybody stepped out and headed for their stations.

"That was awesome!" Casey exclaimed, "can we do it again?"

"Can we save everybody from dying?" Ryan asked in the same tone as she did.

Casey shrugged.

"Fair point." She agreed.

Mack led her up the ladder to join Mark and Veracity.

"Finally, I'm bashing a monster's head into the ground," Ryan cheered, "I've always wanted to see a monster's balls."

"Why?" Veracity questioned in slight disgust.

"Just want to see if it's made of ooze or just hardened." Ry replied.

"Do monsters even have balls?" Spyder queried.

"I don't know-"

"Why are we discussing this?" Harris stopped the conversation. He looked out of the front window, "look out!"

Turning to see, the male technopath caught the monster's fists. He managed to twist them and push the creature off. Shaking out his arms, he let out a short sigh.

"Spyder arm cannon!" Ryan called.

"Yup!" Spyder replied.

Activating the weapon, the tech controlling teen aimed at his target. Bombs went flying as the monster was hit pretty badly. It was still on its feet, but some ooze started to spill out.

"Plasma axe!" Ryan shouted.

"Got it!" Spyder responded.

He unlocked the weapon, which allowed Ryan to use it. He was about to take the chance to finish off the beast very quickly. That's when that throbbing headache made a comeback. It was as if a bowling ball was trying to crush his brain. His hand held his head as he attempted to soothe the pain. It wasn't working in his favor.

"Ryan are you okay?!" Mark asked in concern.

"Not really!" Ryan yelled.

The fowl beast took its chance to strike. It grabbed Mech X4 and slammed it down. That sent the whole team to the ground. Mark and Veracity checked for damage. Mackenzie and Casey ran to the edge of the deck, their hands latched on the handle.

"You guys alright?!" Casey shouted in worry.

"Nothing broke over here!" Spyder told her.

"I'm good!" Harris reassured.

"Ryan!" Mack called.

He had gotten up slowly, but only into a sitting position. He groaned in pain.

"Welp, if the world naturally spins this fast then I'm good." Ryan gave the thumbs up.

"Damage isn't bad, but you need to keep attacking. Monster's still up." Veracity informed.

Jumping to his feet, the pilot helped Mech X get back into the fight. The monster, thinking it had won, was only now turning around to destroy the city.

"Spyder, plasma bombs!" Ry ordered.

"Gotcha!" Spyder retorted.

Sending the ammunition into his hands, the weapons specialist helped out his friend against the ooze creature. Balls of fire came shooting out, destroying the back of the monster. It turned around, seeing that robot was ok. Growling, the fowl beast charged.

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