26. That Bracelet

Start from the beginning

"Okay," he says eventually, scrathing the back of his head. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you oh your bloody God!" I screech, grabbing his head and planting a kiss on his forehead, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, don't do that," he says. 

"You got it, You are the best thank you Ed!"

Eleanor's POV

After Dani leaves, I go to the kitchen and stare at the fridge for a few seconds; pondering whether or not to open the box. I reach up and get it down, holding it in my hands. I am just about to lift the lid when a small knock on the door stops me. I whip my head around, placing the box on the counter and walk towards the door, tugging it open gently; to reveal Ed standing there, hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey El," he says, smiling slightly. 

I gulp, memories of his and Louis conversation flooding back to me. I feel tears prickling my eyes as I force them away, "Hi Ed," I whisper, begging my voice not to crack. 

"I just wanted to tell you something," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head, "About Louis."

"Ed, please, please, I don't want... I don't want to talk about him," as I said 'about' my voice cracks and tears roll out of my eyes. I turn my head away and wipe my tears away, not wanting him to see me cry. He gently takes me arm and moves me so I face him.

"Louis didn't do it on his own," he confesses. 

"What?" I whisper, a few more tears leading a trail down my cheeks,

"I..." he takes a deep breathe, "I blackmailed him to. I saw how much he liked you and I couldn't not let him do anything about it, that happened to me and I couldn't let it happen to Louis, he's a friend."

"So you... you made him?" I choke out, tears taking a gentle flow down my face, curving down my neck. 

Ed nods, "I'm so sorry El, I just had to tell you, I know it won't make a difference, but I'm sorry."

"So he didn't do it on his own? You made him...?" I question. 

Ed nods, "I'm sorry Eleanor."

I nod, biting my lip, "I think it would be best if you would leave now," I mumble. 

Ed nods, turning around and walking away. I gently close the door, letting it click before going into the kitchen. I wipe away my tears and sniffle a little as I look at the box on my counter. I take a deep breathe and open it. Inside is a little envelope and another box. I open the envelope gently and ease out the letter inside.


I wanted to give you this. I'm so sorry and I know you think everything we said and did was bullshit, but I swear to you it wasn't. I have never cared about anyone as much as I care about you. Being without you is killing me, and I know this won't make a difference, and what I did was beyond wrong, but I just had to make sure you saw it. I'm sorry Eleanor. 

I love you,

Louis x 

Tears prick my eyes like a cactus as they slowly force their way out of my eyes and walk down my cheeks uncertainly. I gently put the letter back into the envelope and put it on the counter, taking out the box. I creak the lid open and gasp when I see whats was inside, covering my mouth with my hand, as tears run down my cheeks quickly, as if trying to win a marathon against Usain Bolt. 

A silver charm bracelet is inside. Each one of the twenty charms represented something Louis and I had done. One was an ice skating shoes, which is where we went on out first ever date when we were thirteen. Another was a little pizza slice; because after our third date when we were still thirteen, we stopped at this little truck and got a pizza in a cone. I go through all the charm bracelts, my tears dropping onto them and think back.

"I love you Ellie, I really do," thirteen year old Louis whispered as I snuggled into his arms in the Starbucks booth, looking up at him with a small smile planted on my face. 

"You're not so bad yourself," I tease, kissing him lightly. 

"I'm going to remember this forever. I'll make a charm out of all our memories," he whispers, stroking my hair

"A charm out of all our memories?" I question, sitting up slightly and looking at him, confused. 

"Yeah, like a bracelet, with charms for all our memories together."

Something catches in my throat as I stare at the charm bracelet in my hands. Louis Tomlinson has been making this bracelet for nearly four years, for me. He remembers all these memories. I smile a little thorugh my tears. I take a deep breathe as I finger the bracelet, examining each charm. On the back of thirteen of them, engraved is 'Louis+Eleanor' followed by little hearts on the remaining seven. A knock on the door, makes me jump and hastily wipe away my tears as i walk to the door, sniffling a little. I open the door. My heart flips and butterflies explode in my stomach at the sight of Louis Tomlinson standing at my doorstep.

Author's Note

Hiya petals :)

So here is another little chapter, and thank you so much for all your votes and comments on the last chapter, that was amazing :) Again, thanks to me editor @TheAmazaynPerrie she does a fabulous job :')

Update soon,

Love ye petals,

Niamh x

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