19 | Broken and Mended

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Pssttt... I've shed a few tears writing this chapter, just thought you ought to know *faints in the Great Hall.* Proceed with caution... don't say I didn't warn you!

***Sirius watched Remus move away from them, wanting nothing more than to go with him or just bring him back

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Sirius watched Remus move away from them, wanting nothing more than to go with him or just bring him back.

Sirius knew that this conversation had stricken a nerve that, for so long, Remus had lived with tranquilizers to just ease the pain that never vanished... instead kept on throbbing and twinging.

"I've ruined it, haven't I?" Harry asked, frowning.

Harry had tried very hard to soothe their pain, but failing his intention, he had only made everything worse... not for the first time, he had wounded those who loved him.

Sirius couldn't deny that Harry's words had been a bit sharp, but he couldn't bring himself to throw the unpleasant truth right at his face.

Sirius was conflicted, unsure of what to say. "Listen, he'll come around, sooner than you think."

As if on cue, the door swung open, to which Harry's eyes lit up. Relief flashed over Sirius, hoping it was Remus. A second it lasted for Sirius' face to be taken over by a let-down frown.

Instead, it was a familiar witch with pink bubbly hair and a lively expression, along with a ginger-haired boy clutching a circular object in his hand.

Glancing sideways, Sirius noticed Harry slumping his shoulders with a sigh, before wearing a masked neutral expression.

"Wotcher, guys," Tonks greeted, walking gracefully making sure she wouldn't trip on anything.

Tonks' gaze wandered around, as though wanting to see someone who apparently wasn't present.

Before they could return the greeting, an urgent voice filled the air. "Here, Harry. You forgot this with me," said Ron, handing him the prophecy.

"Yeah, right," muttered Harry, his fingers hugging the warm ball, the glowing light reflecting on his face.

The re-appearance of the prophecy, adding on top of everything, reminded Sirius that he still had a talk to take care of, with a certain headmaster... the most important mission, it was, for him now.

"Harry... I'll leave you for now," said Sirius, to which Harry was taken aback. "A word with Dumbledore is in order."

"Is it... about what happened?" Harry asked timidly, after the ringing beats of hesitation.

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