8 | The Boy who Lived

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Outside the hospital wing was a complete chaos

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Outside the hospital wing was a complete chaos. After being forced out by Madame Pomfrey, they all dropped to the floor holding their knees to their chest, crying into them.

Neville and Luna sat by a far corridor, absorbed in their own thoughts. Tonks was doing her best soothing Ginny, giving her a shoulder to cry on while gently rubbing her back in circles. Ron had his arm wrapped around Hermione a bit awkwardly, as she leaned her head crying over his shoulder.

Their pained faces and cries of despair were identical. Their sobs seemed capable of lasting to eternity.

Everyone was too enwrapped in thoughts of misery and grief to notice the new arrival of Arthur Weasley along with his twin sons.

"What are you all doing out here... what happened?" Arthur asked breathlessly, as he circled a worried glance studying each of their expressions.

Heads shot upward, revealing bloodshot eyes. They remained speechless, not finding it in themselves to give an answer to such a dreaded question; neither of them seemed capable of saying it out loud. They still couldn't believe it, they didn't want to believe any of it.

Hermione buried her face in her hands again, attempting to master a little of the self control she possessed but failing terribly.

Fred knelt beside her, placing a hand on her knee. "Hermione, what is it? Come on, you can tell me. I promise whatever it is, I'll try not to laugh over it," he said, concern and eagerness equally reflected in his voice.

Ron sniffed and managed to say between sobs, "I assure you, you would never laugh over that."

"Try us! just spit it out and we'll decide for ourselves," replied George, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Harry---" Hermione's cries doubled at his name. Coming with full force, sobs racked her body all over again.

Arthur's eyes widened with fear and panic. He wouldn't bear anything happening to any of his sons. And Harry was as good as! That was decided, or rather felt ages ago.

"Harry--is d--ead"

Fred and George looked identically shocked and pained. It's true, they couldn't laugh over it. For once, there was something powerful enough to leave them speechless, not finding it in themselves to crack a joke.

Arthur felt his breath constricted, lungs blocked; light-headed, brow sweating, his knees grew weaker and weaker with every passing second, so he held on to George for support.

Mr. Weasley never saw Harry as anything but a son. And, losing a son was a bullet to the head, sucking the soul out in less than a minute.

He sometimes imagined having two pairs of twins, Fred & George and Ron & Harry. The only main difference was Harry not being a redhead.

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