42. A new arriving in town

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- I know you like it deep down inside you, smirks Katherine. I glare at her before lightly turning my head to listen to Klaus and Maddox conversation. My mother does the same.

- I'll be back as soon as I can, informs the warlock while opening the front door.

- Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body. And if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get, the warlock nods before leaving. Klaus closes the door and Katherine and I turn back around. I take the cup of coffee and holds it to Klaus who is stepping towards us.

- Where is he going? Questions my mother.

- To retrieve me, answers Klaus. Thank you, Love, smiles the Original in Alaric's body. I frown but not madly, confusedly. So I can get out of this bad hair-do.

- Are you sure that's a good idea, Klaus? Keeps asking my mother as the vampire walks around us to go behind the counter.

- Well, the full moon is almost upon us, I hear him puting something on the counter.  I've killed the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelgänger is waiting in the wings. Or maybe I'll your daughter. I'll see. Ohh, I am ready to break this curse, I serve my fists angrily, trying to keep it down my angriness. He killed Bonnie... I'm angry at him for killing my friend, I'm angry at him for using me like a puppet and I'm sad and scared here.

- And why would you do that here? There's so many people that would try to stop you, reminds my mother as I can sense some angriness in her.

- Because I have to. It's the birthplace of the doppelgänger and your daughter, tells Klaus like we are dumb.

- I didn't realize that was a requirement.

- Well, how could you? You betrayed me and fled England before I could give you the details, Katerina, I walk toward the couch to sit on it before looking and still listening at them. But I did find your birthplace and I slaughtered your family, I frown again but with some sadness this time. I might not like my mother much but those people were part of my family. So I guess we're cool, smiles Klaus. Let's just hope that Elena isn't as stupid as you were, the Original walks passed her and towards the front door. If so, it's okay, I have your daughter.

- She won't run, Katherine turns around to look at Klaus. She'll die before she lets anyone that she loves get hurt, my mother looks at me and I lightly frown confused. Why is she looking at me like that?

- And that's exactly what I'm counting on, he takes his jacket and stares at my mother. You can't leave until I tell you to, he compels her before leaving the apartment. Why didn't he compelled me? Does that mean I can leave? Is he testing me?

Elena's P.O.V.

- You look better, I tell to the vampire after parking my car on the side of the road. He is drinking from a blood bag which he just finished.

- Where did you get the dagger? Questions the Original, not looking at me.

- I'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word, I plead him as I stare at his profil.

- Your ability to make demands has long passed, says the vampire with seriousness.

- No demands, I shake my head while looking straight in front of me. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours, I look at back at Elijah.

- And why should I even consider this? Questions the Original vampire.

- The same reason that you haven't killed me, Elijah turns his head and stares at me. You need my help to kill Klaus. And I need you, suddenly, my phone buzzes. I take it and see that it is Stefan calling me. Again. I sigh and answer the call.

Stefan Salvatore's daughter ~ MiracleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin