Chapter 2

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I sat on my bed watching netflix in my laptop when Ashley, ever so rudely, barged into my room. I mean really?! She didn't even knock. She shut my laptop and took it away.

"Hey!" I yelled. I know this is my punishment for skipping school. I sighed and sat back on my bed, grabbing my phone, and scrolling through my apps.

"Phone," she said and he held her hand out demanding I give her my phone.

"What? No! C'mon," I said hoping she would cut me a break but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. I huffed and handed her my phone.

"You skipped, got caught, and tried to get Harlow in trouble by saying she broke the toaster," Ashley said while putting my electronics down on my desk then walking to my closet. "You kind of brought this on yourself. And I don't know why you tried to get Harlow in trouble...I have no power over her...shes Nikki's problem."

"But Assshhhllleyyy," I whined and there myself back on my bed like a little kid would. She opened my closet and dug around before she came out with a box of booze. "Hey, how'd you know I have a beer stash?" I asked.

"I'm not dumb," she said exiting my room with all my stuff. I snuck out after her and followed her to her room. At that point she slammed the door in my face and locked it behind her.

"Ash, please, this isn't a big deal!" I said trying to get at least my beer back. "I thought you were cool."

"I am cool, but if you're living with me you're going to respect me and my rules," she said through the wood. I groaned and ran downstairs. To my surprise only one person sat on the couch. I was expecting everyone to be gathered around the tv.

"What's up?" Jake asked, settling on a channel and putting the remote down.

"Ashley is taking away all my stuff," I blurted out. I crossed my arms and collapsed on the couch next to him. If I wasn't totally pissed I probably wouldn't be sitting next to him.

"That sucks, but she does have a reason," he says turning towards me.

"I know, but damn, punishment sucks," my words practically fly out of my mouth. "So where did everyone go?" I ask.

"Uh, well, Harlow and Nikki are upstairs doing things that I don't care to know, Anthony went to meet Sam, and Danny and Nick are downstairs messing around with instruments and stuff," Jake explained. After that we sat in awkward silence. I didn't know what to say. 'hey, I'm mad at Ashley, I have a huge crush on you, let's fuck'? Yeah, that's not awkward or anything.

"Well, I'm gonna go see what Danny and Nick are doing. I enjoyed our talk," I said pushing myself off the couch.

"Yeah, totally, let's do it again sometime," he says with a goofy smile. I giggle and walk to the basement door. The second I open the door I hear random guitar noises and cymbal crashes. I go downstairs and quickly shut the door. Danny sits behind the drum set and Nick has the guitar.

"Hey, Gia, what's up?" Nick asks making Danny stop hitting things. I shrug and make a noise resembling 'ehmeh'. "Oh yeah, same bro," he said. I laugh and sit down. Danny starts hitting things again but Nick stops him almost immediately.

"That's not right, no you gotta do it like this," Nick says and he snatches the drum sticks out of Danny's hands. Then Nick starts to play but Danny doesn't think he's Right so he grabs the sticks. At this point Nick is yelling and telling Danny to not. I just stood up and without saying anything, I left.

"Bye guys," I shouted from the top of the stairs. The didn't even hear me. I shut the door and ran through the living room trying to avoid awkward conversation with Jake. I quickly and swiftly ran up the stairs. I made sure to make a lot of noise before I entered the room Harlow and Nikki where in. "I'm coming in! I'll be there in like three seconds!" I made sure to be loud. I reached for the door knob and jiggled it a little then decided they had enough warning. If things were still inserted into things then I would question their hearing. "Haaarrrlllooow I'm boooored," I whined as I walked through the door. They were just cuddling on the bed. Wow, boring.

"Well, what do you want to do?" She asked as she sat up. "Wanna play monopoly?"

"Okay, let's do it."

*ten minutes later*

"This game is fucking dumb," Harlow said while flipping the game board making pieces and fake money fly everywhere.

"Dammit, Harlow, we just started playing!" I yelled.

"And I'm already frustrated," she said crossing her arms and pouting.

"Hey, Anthony started a bonfire," Ashley said.

"Good, Harlow clean up," I said and I ran out of the room so I wasn't stuck cleaning up. I walked outside with ashley to see everyone sitting around the fire laughing. We walked over and sat down next to each other.

I don't know how we got on the subject of embarrassing stories but we started telling random stories. Nick just got done telling us how he got his foot stuck in the toilet at Walmart.

"I remember one time when Gia was like ten she got a huge wad of gum stuck in her hair and I had to cut it out and her hair was really uneven after so I had to cut the rest of it to fit and the whole time she cried and told me to just shave her all her hair off," You're supposed to tell embarrassing stories about yourself, not a different person. Isn't that some kind of party foul?

"What the hell, Ash?" I laugh and hit her arm lightly. I remember that day, I was so devastated. I didn't want short hair! I'd rather not have any hair at all.

"It was funny!" She starts to laugh. "Hey, wait, jake, what's that you're playing? I don't recognize it," she comments on the song he's playing on his guitar.

"Oh nothing, just something I wrote," He says.

"Let's hear it!" Nikki says.

"No, no, my voice isn't warmed up," his excuses are not gonna work. I know that for a fact. They didn't stop badgering him about it until he played is song.

"You cross my mind when I'm sleeping. I dream of you when I wake up. I cross my heart and hope to fly away if I can't have you," I smiled at his fluffy lyrics. His cheeks turned a bright color red when the song was finished. Everyone clapped and cheered him on.

"It was cute, but not gory enough to he a New Year's Day song," ashley joked. We laughed then feel into awkward silence. Why is everything we do so awkward.

I made Harlow sleep over so she can make me breakfast in the morning. She didn't protest. She just climbed into my bed and told Nikki to bring her clothes in the morning. He agreed like he always does. He kissed her before he left. Sometimes it's hard to think that we're 17 and 23 because we act 4 and 10. Whatever, We're partners in crime, age is just a number.

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