chapter 8

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"Gia, hurry up, you're gonna be late," Ashley said as she laid on top of me. I groaned and tried to push her off of me. 

"Why are you on top of me?" I pushed her off and rolled over. 

"Because if you don't hurry up you're going to be late," She stood up and turned my light on. "I'll be downstairs." 

"Fine,"  I sat up and threw a pillow at her as she left my room. Fuck school, I don't want to be up this early. I swung my feet off the side of my bed and I stood up. I checked the time on my phone and realized Ashley was right, I was running late, very late. I decided I should probably put a move on it before I have to sneak into first period, again. I shuffled to my closet and started at the lack of clothes hanging. I need to go shopping, I thought to myself. I grabbed a Nirvana shirt and my black jeans. The more holes the better. I changed and slipped into the hallway to make my way to the bathroom. I did my eyebrows and brushed my hair and teeth. I walked back to my room and put my socks and shoes on. I decided on my maroon Doc Martens. I grabbed my bag and my jean jacket and I slipped my phone in my pocket before heading downstairs. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs. I reached for my keys but Ashley grabbed them before I did.

"No, I'm driving you today," she opened the door and walked outside. I groaned and followed her. We both got in the car and she started the car and pulled out of the drive way. 

"You know, I could have driven myself," I said turning the radio on. 

"here, eat this," Ashley said handing me an apple. I looked at her weird and took the apple from her. "What? I can't act like a good guardian for my sister?"

"No, it's weird," I said taking a bite of my apple, "oh, by the way, I'm  staying after school for drama club."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, and okay, what time you need picked up?" She asked.

"Oh, no, that's okay, I can walk, I want to stop at the thrift shop on the way home anyway," I say as she pulls into the parking lot of the school.

"No, let me pick you up, we can go shopping together and we can go eat," I opened the door to get out and I looked at her. 

"Pick me up at four," I said and I got out of the car. I walked into school dodging everyone that was in my way. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my books and left to my first period class, that started three minutes ago. 

I stood in the lunch line and ignored everyone, like usual. I have a feeling everyone is scared of me or something. I really hope so. I grabbed some chips and a soda and paid for it. I took my change and went back to my lonely table. Just how I like it. I sat down and started eating my chips. I opened my journal and started sketching. I used my hand to push my hair out of my face and I looked around at the people in the lunch room. It was insane, per usual. I'm so happy I don't have friends. 

"Why is your hair so short?" A kid asked as he walked up to my table. 

"Mind your own fucking business," I spat. He jumped and scrambled away. The bell rang shortly after that and I sighed and stood up. I shoved everything back into my bag and I started walking to my next class. 

When the final bell rang I made my way to the auditorium to crash drama rehearsals. I sneaked back stage and jumped on Andrew's back. 

"Hey!" he yelled tossing me onto the couch behind him. I laughed and sat up. "Jesus, you scared me."

"Don't be a baby, I said as I pulled my sketchbook out of my bag. Andrew sat down next to me. "I drew you." 

"What!? that's so cool!" He took my sketchbook and admired my piece of art. It was just a doodle but i guess he really liked it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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