Ch.3: What happened in Shinjuku?

Start from the beginning

 I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was... He slowly turned off the sink and stared at his reflection in the mirror. If Adelice ever found out what he had done... she would never forgive him. She had always adored Clovis, even when they were children. She may not have agreed with his decisions made during his time as viceroy of Area 11 but he knew that didn't matter to her. What mattered to her was the boy she saw as a child.

 Lelouch splashed some water on his face. What had he done...? Making a better world wasn't going to be easy, he knew that when he first started this that there would be pain along the way. After a few minutes he heard a soft knock on the door. “Lelouch, are you alright?”, Adelice asked worriedly. He turned to look at himself one more time in the mirror and then opened the door and stepped out slowly, running his hand through his hair. “I'm fine, must have been something I ate.”, he said, waving the problem off.

 Adelice stroked his arm softly with her fingertips. “Perhaps I should ask Sayoko to make you some soup for dinner instead.”, she said. Lelouch shook his head. “Hurry, we'll be late for class.”, he said, moving his hand to her back giving her a gently push toward the classroom. She thought better then to agrue and just simply nodded and quickly walked back to the classroom and to her seat.

 She was surprised to see the seat next to hers was filled. “Kallen it's been ages”, a female student exclaimed. Adelice smiled and sat down, touching Kallen's shoulder softly. Kallen gave her a smile and a nodd as a hello. “How are you feeling?”, Adelice asked her. “I'm fine, thank you. Just had a bit of a flu these past days. I just have to go easy for a little while”, Kallen answered. “Glad to see you're back and much better.”

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As Lelouch walked to his seat, he couldn't help staring at the girl Adelice was talking to. Where had he seen that girl before? She was so familiar. Then it hit him. Of course... that's why she's so familiar.. “Anyway if I stay home any longer, I'll never catch up.”, Kallen said to Adelice. Lelouch watched as Adelice nodded in acknowledgment. He took his seat slowlywatching them as they continued to converse.

 Rivalz came and started his usual comments. “Cute girl talking to Adelice, huh?”, he said, nudging Lelouch on the shoulder. Lelouch completely ignored his question. “Just thinking that this is a rare event... she hasn't been here at school since the whole term started.”, he observed. Rivalz wasn't paying attention, he was too entranced as he watched Adelice and Kallen giggle and laugh together.

 “Kallen Stadtfeld, they say she's sick or something and she barely showed up at school last year either. Still her grades are at the top of the class....” Lelouch didn't pay attention to the rest of what Rivalz said, he was more preoccupied in finding out what she had in connection with Shinjuku.

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Adelice stood up from her seat as the bell rang to signal it was time for some lunch, waving goodbye to Kallen as she walked out the door. She stretched a bit, her arms and legs sore from sitting in a wooden chair for two hours. She smiled softly at Lelouch as he took her hand. “Are you heading off the student council room?”, he asked her. She nodded and frowned a bit.

 “During my hasty leave, I forgot about lunch.”, she giggled softly. “Probably going to steal a bit of Milly's to be honest.” Lelouch smiled down at her and looked out the window. Just yesterday he had been out fighting for his life and now he was within the safe walls of his school. What a day.

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