Chapter Fifty Seven- Next Door

Start from the beginning

"I can't I need to go-" I say.

"One drink" Zac stops me causing me to sigh. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be in Evie's house. I didn't want to see Harry. I didn't want to see him with someone else and I sure as hell didn't want to talk about my feelings or problems to anyone else tonight.
"You said you would!" He pushes and I pause mulling it over.

"One drink won't hurt Amy" Eva says smiling at me encouragingly causing me to give in. One drink wouldn't hurt right?

"Fine but I need some air" I mutter before pushing past them all. As I walk through the kitchen I take one last look at Harry to see he was deep in conversation with and wasn't even looking at me. It was the final straw.


3 days later

To say these past few days had dragged would be an understatement. I hadn't really done much. Other than sat in my room, napped, sit in the shower and watched an endless amount of movies. Eva really had my back since the other night. She had been sat with me and comforting me when she wasn't sorting things with Niall. They had made up after he told her he loved her and she was happier than ever. I was happy for them. But I couldn't help thinking about Harry. He hadn't called, text and I hadn't seen him since that night. What did I expect when we were on a break?

"Amy are you ready?" Eva shouts from down the hall as I sit on my bedroom floor. I wore a two piece checkered skirt and top with some white trainers as I sat debating whether to go tonight. Eva, Niall, Zac, Becca, Klaus, Jade and Mia along with Louis, Liam and Damon were going round to the frat house tonight for a few drinks. It was a small gathering with our closet friends. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go.

"I'm not coming!" I shout as I let my nerves get the best of me.

"Your dressed, why are you sat on the floor?" Eva comes into the room dress in a red dress with trainers on to matching my own.

"I don't want to come" I sigh looking down at my hands. She sighs before sitting down next to me. She looks at me clearly trying to read me before speaking.

"Is this about-"

"Please don't" I shake my head cutting her off not wanting to get upset.

"I'm sorry Amy, he still hasn't spoke to you?" She says as she puts her arm around me pulling me into her. I lean my head onto her shoulder eyes I blink away the tears trying to push them back.

"Nope, I mean I don't blame him, I just want to keep my distance" I say. Harry wanted to go on a break. He didn't want to see me. He made that pretty clear. But it doesn't mean that it wasn't hard for me to except.

"He isn't going to be there you know?" She says and I frown pulling back from her looking at her in confusion. It was Harry's house of course he was going to be there. Where else would he be?
"Niall said he was going out with his Mom and Sister" she explains and I sigh almost in relief. What else would he be doing I mentally slap myself for putting no trust in him at all.
"See if that's what you were worried about, don't be" she says as she rubs my back comfortingly.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yeah course" she nods. So Harry wasn't going to be there. That doesn't mean I still wanted to go. What about everyone else? What about all the questions and conversations I'm gonna get? Did I want that right now?

"I just don't feel like myself at all- I don't think I can face everyone" I say truthfully as I look down at my hand as I play with the ring on my finger.
"They're gonna ask questions and I just can't do it, I can't pretend like I'm fine" I say as I feel myself getting worked up. What did I even tell people? We were on a break because of what? Because we fell out? Because Harry didn't want me anymore? I didn't know? I had no answers for myself never mind other people.

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