Part 13. The guest

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Hextor Marchelle's POV

I'm a little worried about Emma leaving without me because Emma just get well. but on the other hand I'm also relieved, Alpha Philip called me several times to go to my mansion because the woman he was looking for was in my mansion. how is it possible, the woman in this mansion is only Emma and Grace.

therefore I immediately agreed when Emma asked to go to town for a while. I pointed to Andrew one of my best fighters, even though he is young, he was very good at reading the situation and quickly making plans in any situation.

Of course before he left I had to threaten him first not to flirt or even get too close to Emma. because I don't care if he's one of my best fighters, if he flirts with my emma I'll break his neck.

I gave my credit card but Emma refused it, she was different, she looked fragile but had a strong mind. makes me proud and also annoyed because I want to respondsible for all emma's needs, so I give Andrew the task to make sure Emma uses my card and my little moon has to shop in the best place.

Phillip will soon arrive, I don't know who he looking for but I have to make sure he doesn't cause problems.

suddenly I feel upset and sad. I know this feeling from Emma. something has happened to Emma.
I immediately called Emma, and after ringing several times she finally answered "hello" Emma's voice sounded soft, I knew she was like holding back her cry "Emma, are you okay?" Emma did not immediately answer "I am fine, now I wil buy my things and go home" she said, I did not want to force her even though I knew something happened to Emma "ok, if anything happens, call me" she said ok and hung up .
I still feel worried about Emma and forget that I still have business with Philip.

"Alpha king, Alpha Phillip has arrived" Argus Mind Link. "guide him to my office and make sure the guards standby around the mansion" I affirmed to Argus "Argus, inform me if Emma was home, and minded the link andrew to keep guard emma" I hope nothing will happened because of this meeting. especially Emma hasn't known the truth.

I heard a knock on the door "entered" I said in a firm tone.
argus entered with two people from his aura, I know that are Alpha philip with his beta.
"King Alpha, forgive me for bothering you and thank you for allowing me to see you" he said politely and he seemed to have high confidence even though he had only been a few years into Alpha.

"Phillip, I hope you quickly finish your business here" I want to quickly finish all this before Emma returns.

"Alpha king, I confirm that the woman I was looking for must have been in this mansion before, precisely in this office before" I was surprised by his words, the only the woman been in this office before was Emma. "the scent has faded but I am sure she was here before" I roar "what do you mean?"
I already feel my anger rising with what he will say .

"In other words, alpha king. Emma Knight must be here before" My anger peaked, I pushed him against the wall. Ace was also very angry and nervous because he felt his mate was in danger.
"What do you want from Emma? What business are you with?" Ace's voice and I appear with an Alpha tone.

"Why is Emma in your mansion?" philip said with a surprised face and a voice that sounded angry.
"Why do I have to tell you? And what is your business with Emma?" he only saw me with a face full of questions and relief, his expression made me more curious.

"explain everything or I'll kill you now" I said furiously because there was something about an emma that I didn't know and why it was related to the warewolf world, emma was a human.

"please answer me first, why is emma in your mansion ?" he said firmly. "I don't have to answer that because it's not your business," I said as I punched the table because I would soon be unable to control myself to kill him.

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