Ch. 4: "Ururaka! It's Not What You Think!"

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Deku and Hatsume look over to the stunned Uraraka, "D...Deku... what are yo-"

Before Deku could utter a single word, Hatsume quickly pulled a one-eighty and started to pout out, "Oh Deku! What are you doing to me?! You know we're in public, right?! How could you think now was the best time to do it?!"

Deku's face was stuck in a petrified 'lolwut' face until he shook it off and realized what Hatsume just blurted out.

"Wait, what?! No way! You were putting all the moves on me first!"

Hatsume fake cries, "How could you say that?! First you have no manners and second you blame the victim?! How shameless! I expected more from my trustworthy partner, but now I see your true intentions...!"

Uraraka, in a furious fashion, walks up to Deku and Hatsume. "W-Wait! Ururaka, please, before you annihilate me just lemme explain! You see, I have thi-"

Uraraka cocks back and smacks the purebred poodles out of Hatsume's right cheek.

Hatsume is legitimately disoriented, as the outcome was nothing like she expected. "You listen here you pink haired snake! Deku would never do anything this uncalled for to anyone he considers his friend! Heck, you're lucky to be his friend! Whatever you're doing to him to make him act this way..."

Uraraka turns to Deku and proceeds to grab his arm, "We're leaving! Now!"

As Uraraka pulls him to the door, she stops in her tracks to find Hatsume pulling his other arm. "You stay out of this, Deku is my baby! You can't take my baby away from me!" Hatsume's expression is now less confident and peppy like it usually is, her face now only spells desperation.

"Your baby?! So that's all he is to you?! An object?! Just another one of your stupid inventions?!"

"Shut up, shut up! He's all mine! I'm the one who brought him up in his training! The least he could do in return is be here when I'm lonely!"

'Wait... when she's... lonely...?'

"Sorry, but making him into your personal play thing doesn't seem like it's loneliness you're trying to get away from!"

"I'm sorry i don't know how to properly love somebody, I've never done this before!"

'... Love...?'

Uraraka and Deku both stop, sinking in Hatsume's words as she continues, "... I thought I could test it... like I test all my projects and inventions... I thought I could... create it... It's all I've ever done... I do it every day, heck, I thought I was pretty good at it... I thought I could create anything... even love... but this is different... I can't fake it..."

Uraraka turns the cold shoulder, "Love... You don't even know what love is! None of us do... But I can surely tell you that this... is not what love is...! This is something worse..."

Deku looks back at Hatsume on the verge of tears, as Uraraka heads out the door with him closing the door. He then hears her say in her pseudo happy tone, "I hope to see you in the workshop next week...! D... Deku...!" Hatsume starts crying as the door shuts.


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