Ch. 2: "A School Fair?!"

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12:00 PM.

Not only a day later did it take Deku to master his new ultimate move. It is lunch time at UA, Deku, Ururaka, and Iida all sat together at a table, along with a couple of other students.

"Wow, Deku! It was amazing seeing how quickly you developed your ultimate move!" Uraraka geeks out as she eats a crunchy roll.

"She's right! Our gear from Hatsume certainly helped us ten fold! But you were exceptionally fast with learning!" Iida says flailing his arms as he usually does when trying to make a point.

"Heh, thanks guys! I guess I underestimate my own determination sometimes, haha! Hah..." Deku says with slight guilt.

Uraraka jumps back in, "Hey! Did you guys hear? We're having a school fair before our provisional licensing exam!"

Deku braces, "Wh-huh? A fair? We just had the sports festival, boy we sure have a lot of activities that go on..."

"Ain't that the truth!" Hatsume sneaks behind Deku and causes him to jump.

"H-Hatsume?! W-What are you doing here?!" He says startled.

"Just looking for a partner to help demonstrate my sweet babies to the masses at this upcoming fair!" She lays on the table, swinging her legs back and fourth and picking up a grape from Deku's tray.

'Oh shoot, she's gonna ask me to do it! Not in front of Iida and Ururaka! Why now?!'

"Hahaha! Yeah! Jee, I wonder who that could be, well best you look for someone who's not busy training for the exa-"

Hatsume puts the grape in Deku's mouth and puts her finger under his chin, pointing his face towards hers causing him to look into her rifle scope pupils. Iida looks confused and Ururaka looks tense and slightly jealous.

"Funny you should mention that, Deku... Cause I think I already found myself a trusty steed..."

Chewing the grape, he mutters, "... M-Mineta...?" Mineta looks over and snaps his fingers pointing to Hatsume.

"Tempting, but not sturdy enough for my inventions." She brushes off his attempts at flirting. Mineta looks down in shame.

"I came here to ask you, silly!" Hatsume gives Deku a light elbow nub and winks at him, "Pretty please? Could you be my partner for the school fair, Deku... baby...?" 

The word 'baby' resonated through the trio of friends, Deku blushed beyond a normal pigment, a shadow drops over Uraraka's eyes, and Iida still looks clueless.

Deku responded, in an almost robotic voice, "Yes, Hatsume. I would love to be your partner in the school fair." his face smiles unnaturally and goes cock-eyed for the duration of the response. He then snaps out of it, "Whuh-huh? What jus-"

Hatsume jumps off the table and hugs Deku tightly, knocking some air out of him, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I can assure you we're gonna have a blast promoting me! To everyone...! Oh, and... you, too, Deku... but not as much as me!" She poses for nothing and drags him with like a blanket in the wind.

Iida resumes eating his lunch, "Hm, you know, they seem to get along very well for some reason, I can't exactly put my finger on why... What do you think Ura... raka...?"

Uraraka has a cloud of despair over her head, raining visions of emptiness. Iida is uncomfortable at what he is looking at.

"...Something's fishy about her, Iida... And I'm going to find out what it is..." Uraraka promises.

Iida quickly shuffles down all of his food, "Well, of course! I certainly wish you the best! Now uh, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna, heh, go turn in my tray..." He boosts off to the kitchen. Ururaka is left unfazed, preparing to put her foot down.


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