Zayn was in shock but at the same time thought to himself that karma was very much indeed a bitch. Another waitress came by and got the drinks. All tea of course except for Oli. He wanted orange juice because "is bakfast, not unch."

As the group ate and chat Louis had his arm around Zayns' chair, not once taking it off. Zayn smiled his crinkly smile and he felt the love Louis gave him when they were together, when he was complete.

"Papa, take Oli to bafroo," Oliver announced squirming in his seat.

Louis looked nervous but got up and took the boy nonetheless because I mean he is his son after all. As the duo went to the bathroom to release some pressure, Harry decided to pressure Zayn.

"I know that look Z, what are you feeling?" The curly haired man asked his best friend.

Zayn sighed, "all these feelings are coming back and I just, I love him Haz. I don't think I've ever stopped but seeing him with Oli and being a father, I know I did the right thing going up there and picking him up."

Harry smiled and nodded "you know Z I think he loves you too. He's been making love drunk eyes at you since we got here. It seems like he's never stopped."

Just then Louis cleared his throat, "I, Uh, can I talk to you Z? Please?"

Zayn cleared his throat and nodded, "stay here with Lili and Haz okay babe? Daddy be right back."

Oli nodded and climbed on Lili's lap, poking his chin and giggling. Zayn got up and followed Louis to the bathroom. When the door closed Zayn was pinned against it, with Louis' mouth on his. Zayns eyes widened but soon fluttered shut as he kissed Louis back. Louis let go of Zayns wrists and pulled him closer by his waist. Zayn let out a content sigh and cupped Louis' face, "what was that for?"

"I still love you Zayn. Baby I love you so much," Louis panted out.

Zayn smiled softly bringing Louis' mouth back to his, resting his forehead against Louis' as he pulled away "I love you too Louis. God I love you so much."

Louis smiled and lifted Zayn off the ground doing a small spin, "I was an idiot I can't believe I almost let you get away. I'm so sorry for everything I put you through and thank you for picking me up that night."

Zayn laughed, "I couldn't leave my sons father/significant other there with no one to rely on. I'm always gonna be there for you Louis."

Louis' smile reached his eye for the first time in 3 years. He couldn't believe his luck, he thought he lost Zayn but as fate would have it they met again and he was finally Louis' all Louis'. The two walked out hand in hand as Harry and Liam started shouting and clapping happy for their best friend that he was finally happy. Zayn blushed and Louis just beamed.

"Well I don't know about you guys but who's ready to go see some football!" Louis exclaimed.

Oli jumped up and shrieked, "me Papa! I ready!"

Louis laughed scooping up the toddler as he went to go pay the bill. Harry nudged Zayn with his shoulder a 'I told you so' look on his face. Zayn chuckled lightly shoving Harry away, "alright, alright I get it. You were right."

"Aren't I always Malik? Now let's go see my man kick his ball straight into Louis' team." Harry smiled.

Zayn smiled and nodded, "you ready Li?"

Liam shook his arms out, and rolled his neck "let's do this. Man U here I come!"


Good night/early morning my lovely ladies! Here is chapter 16 and OH MY GOD THEYRE BACK TOGETHER! I KNEW IT! Zouis isn't over quite yet!  We got a few more chapters coming your way before the ending of this lovely little book and thank you to everyone who continuously read my book. I appreciate it so much and guess what! There's a baby #2 coming y'alls way! (Not sure when yet, we just found out that yours truly is pregos again ☺️☺️) when we find out the due date I'll let y'all know! Thank you again to everyone that kept up with this story and for sticking around for 3 years? I love you girls so much!


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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