Chapter 7

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It had been half a varga in the training deck as Taylor sat down against the wall, staring in awe as Lance and Keith sparred. Their movements flowed with the swords, creating a scene that resembled a dance. He could see the emotion in each breath they took, and that's meant quite literally. Taylor was born with something special and unique. 

Upon seeing movement, he could feel the sensation it brought. He was born with synesthesia, a sensory symptom that crosses different senses. Most with this symptom commonly see colors that associate with sounds, while he was more... endearing.

Out in public with his parents in his world, he spots a couple arguing over what to buy and financial problems. As a kid, he doesn't understand it, but with his symptom, he can feel all the pain and grief in the two passersby. This is why he cries frequently.

He enjoys it, actually. Able to read anyone like a book, he uses it to his advantages.

For example, in situations like these.

Walking up to the two as they take a break, he sits in between them. "That was pretty intense! I'm sure you didn't intend to hurt each other, though." Smiling, he recognizes a familiar feeling between the two. Compassion.

Lance turns to him and ruffles his hair, "Haha, of course not, mijo! We wouldn't hurt each other, we're teammates." Taylor rolls his eyes to this, are they really this dense? Turning to Keith, he feels remorse surge in him. Looking at Keith he can see the pain of reality that struck through his chest. "Hey, papá, is something the matter? You look winded." Taylor pointed out, scooting closer affectionately. Keith lets out a long sigh and smiles. "Nah, I'm alright. Just a bit tired from the session."

Lance smirks and looks up at Keith, "You? Tired? After sparring with me? Lord has blessed me with this glorious day." He raises his arms and lays on his back, giggling. Keith shoots a hostile look which relaxes into a soft smile, then into a burst of laughter. "Well, after you trained with me for a while you picked up on my tactics. Of course, going one on one with someone close to my level would tucker me out."

The Cuban is ecstatic at his choice of words, "I'm close to your level? Oh, my this can't be true."

Taylor looks back and forth at the two as he reads their emotions. It was filled with bliss, enjoyment, and content. He liked it this way. 

"You know, I really did mean what I said earlier at the bridge," Taylor confessed. Keith and Lance remember he's still in the room. "When I said you two aren't so different from my actual parents back home? I wasn't kidding." Lance raised an eyebrow, "How, chico? Aren't we the complete opposite?" 

Taylor thought about it for a moment. They were from different worlds, but the personality seems to be equal. Isn't it just appearance and genetics, not who you are inside?

"Well, that may be true. In my reality, Dad is half Altean and Papá is fully human. Your looks and ancestry may be completely off, but your personality isn't." He points to Keith, "Papá still has the same rush when sparring, and the same reactions when Dad speaks. He still calls me Taylor instead of nicknames, and he always wants to wrap me in his arms."

Keith has a shocked expression on his face as Taylor turns to face Lance. "Dad still flirts randomly, he shoots out jokes to make people happy, constantly calls me nicknames, and his body shuts down when Papá is around." 

The two sit there in complete shock at how accurate he is. Down to every last detail, word for word, he was right. Still, as dense as the two paladins are, they try to redeem their sanity.

"Damn right, chico. whenever I'm around Papá a headache comes on!" Keith punches Lance in the shoulder, who starts laughing.

"At least I don't tell puns bad enough to make someone sick." He sticks a finger in his mouth and pretends to gag, Lance gasping in disgust.

"How dare you?" He places the back of his hand on his forehead and falls backward daintily. Taylor shakes his head and laughs. "I forgot to mention, you two still have stupid fights."

For the first time in a while, everyone had a wholehearted laugh. They all laid down and chuckled as long as they could, relieving all the stress from yesterday. Opening his eyes after losing his breath, Taylor stared at his parents, all happy and in the moment, as if nothing were around them. From Lance, he could feel anticipation and serenity. Facing Keith, it was pure ecstasy. Everything was going to turn out how he wanted. 

"Hey, Dad I-"

Before the rest of the words escaped his mouth, they were all flung sideways and on top of each other. Trying to recollect themselves, they find that the lights went out.

"Wh- What was that?" Keith scrambled across the floor and felt a leg, he crawled his way up the side and found Taylor. 

Lance heard the noise and crawled over "I-I don't know. We must be under attack. Anyone have anything we can light to see?" It was hard to see anyone in the dark, but something yellow a few feet away illuminated. 

Keith was the only one not to shriek, "Chill out, they're my Galra eyes." He stood up and let out a hand for the two, bringing them to eye level. Lance by his side and Taylor in his arms, he pointed to his eyes. "I learned how to control 'em, so this should help." 

"Okay okay now let's find a way out of here!" Taylor exclaimed. 

"What's wrong, Taylor? You're scared of the dark?" 

He wasn't proud of it, but it was true. "Well, yeah! I can't feel anything if I can't see anyone!" Lance and Keith share a confused look in the dark and then face the child. "Okay, Taylor. Come on, we gotta find the others." 

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