Love, Child: Ch. 3

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They all turned to the doorway to see Allura greet them. "And, you should probably see what's going on."

The 4 rushed over to the room to see Keith basically keeping him in a choke-hold.

"Keith what the hell are you doing to him?!" Lance bellowed from across the room. The two stopped their little wrestle and stared at Lance.

"Uh, hi Dad." The boy waved awkwardly. He chuckled a bit under his breath like it was a usual situation.

"Look Lance this isn't-"

"Oh really? Well, it looks like you're strangling the kid! Why the hell, Keith?"

The child looked uncomfortable and afraid. He stared at Keith and then at Lance, and then back to Keith.

"Uhm, Papá?" He asked. No reply.

"Dad?" He asked again. No reply.

The paladins seemed to have gears working. And then something clicked in their heads.

'Oh.' Was everyone's only mindset in the room. The tension only added to the silence.

It continued for a minute more, the child growing worried and scared. Suddenly, he snapped.

"Hey, Papá! Dad! You two haven't fought since I turned 6, and now it starts again ever since I stole an aircraft?! I get you're angry at me, but what's going on?" The child shouted, causing everyone to turn. The kid was huffing and puffing, the sound of his uncontrollable breathing growing louder.

He soon realized what he had done and stood up straight, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell I just-" he started walking backward as the angered expressions on his parents face loosen to a simple frown. The less angered they looked, the more of an ass-whooping he was preparing for. Walking further away he tripped and fell on his butt.

Keith and Lance came back into reality and looked at each other, and then at the child on the ground. They both looked at the paladins with a panicked expression, soon reaching over to the child.

"Hey, niño, it's okay." Lance cooed, kneeling to the ground as he held out a hand. "We aren't angry at you."

Keith tried to play along. "Yeah, s-son. We were just worried." Keith put a hand on his shoulder and looked at Lance, who smiled.

"Y-you aren't angry with me?" The boy was sniffling, looking up at them with watery eyes.

"Ay, of course not, mijo. Why would we be?" Lance gave a soft smile as his eyes grew small tears. "You're safe, that's all that matters." Keith intercepted, pulling him closer.

The child had the brightest smile on his face, which soon became wavy as he cried once more. Leaning into his fathers' shoulders he spoke through sobs, "I won't ever do it again."

Keith and Lance are both shocked by this as they are all huddled into a small circle. Keith's face goes visibly red, and Lance feels his heart pounding. They close their eyes and return the embrace, creating an airtight bond.

"I love you, Dad. Papá."

Keith doesn't know if he should respond, or let alone how. But he doesn't as Lance does it for him. "Te Amo, mijo."

The sobs quiet down and the child looks back up. His parents don't know what to do next. Luckily, the paladins intercept the heartfelt moment.

"Ahem. Hey, bud! You seem hungry. You want anything to eat? I prepared food in the kitchen." Hunk asked as a sigh of relief whooshed across the room. The child nods and stands up, lending out his hands to his fathers.

"Come on, guys. I'm starving." He smiled brightly as Keith and Lance latched onto his hands, following Hunk out the hall.

As they walk past the other paladins, Pidge snorts and they both shoot a glare at her, still undeniably smiling at the child's acts.

Reaching the kitchen, the child sat down and pat the two seats next to him, looking at Lance and Keith. The two looked at each other and nodded, a silent swearing that they'd make sure the- no, their child was happy.

They sat down next to him and the child reached for Lance's hand. Almost instinctively, Lance took it and held it tight and gentle, making Keith giggle.

Lance looked at Keith and almost instantly his face heated up, he felt stupid. Out of all the children that fell out that hole, it had to be the one I had with Keith. He made a mental note that he would talk about this with Keith away from the child, who was staring at the two of them back and forth.

Hunk placed a plate on the table, "Now, it isn't the best, but it's still pretty good." He bowed and handed him a fork, walking away.

"Don't you want to eat, Dad?" Lance looked at him as he pointed the fork. "Oh, nonono mijo, I wouldn't want to take your meal."

The child turned to the other father. "Papá?" He asked, looking at his hair mainly.

"No, it's okay. You need to eat." He insisted, gesturing to the plate.

"Suit yourselves." He shrugged and started scarfing down the food as if it were his last meal. The child looked at the two once again as he tilted his head, trying to place his finger on it.

"When did you two get a different style?"

They both exchanged looks and tried making up a lie. "What do you mean, mijo? Do I not look good?" Lance pretended to puff up his invisible long hair, making the child laugh. His laugh made their hearts soar because it was the best sound they've ever heard.

"No, Dad! I mean, your hair suddenly grew from that undercut you just got from a week ago. And Papá, your mullet got shorter." He put his hand on the back of Keith's neck, brushing it up and down. The tension wasn't angsty, nor was it sexual. It was a flustered tension, one that both relieved and tore Keith's heart.

Lance and Keith needed a moment to speak to the others, so Keith bailed them out.

"Uhm, son?" Keith grasped his wrist and moved it away. "Me and La- your dad need to go discuss something. We'll be right back, okay?" He patted him on the back and stands up, notifying Lance to do the same.

"Be back soon, Chico." Lance acted so instinctively that he leaned in to kiss the child on the forehead.

"Okay, bye dads!" The child waved and gave another bright smile that lit up the room, and made their hearts flame.

Love, Child [Klance AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن