Love, Child: Ch. 2

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"What do we do when he wakes up?" Allura questioned as she examined the Cryo chamber, the boy still in a deep sleep inside. Everyone was still a little shook about the whole 'Dad' ordeal.

"I don't think we should tell him straight away that he's in an alternate universe." Pidge cautiously said, "Unless he already knows. Then we question him."

"Or maybe we can, ya know, feed him?" Hunk countered, sitting in front of the chamber.

The child looked peaceful in his sleep. Seeing his face without the dirt and tears made him seem a little recognizable. A few of them couldn't place a finger on it, but everyone had the same feeling.

"He looks like Keith." Coran blurts out, making everyone turn.

Coran raised his hands in defense, "What? I thought we were all thinking about it?"

He was right though. Almost, at least. Someone else had a different opinion.

"No, I think it looks like Lance." Allura insisted, looking at Lance and then the chamber. "Look at his shape." She outlined over the glass as a vision took form.

"Maybe he's from the same universe as Sven? I mean, he looked like Shiro, it could be possible." Keith claimed.

"He could be right. We don't know for sure." Lance agreed, still conflicted about the hugging and the sobs.

"Let's just wait until he gets out of the chamber. Ask him a couple questions to see what he knows." Shiro declared. Everyone nodded.

"Welp, we can't all sit here forever. Anyone hungry?" Hunk asked as he stood up, walking towards the hall.

"I could go for somethin' right now."

"Same here."

"On my way."

Shiro, Pidge, and Lance walked after him as they left the room, leaving Keith, Allura, and Coran.

"I'll stay here and ask some questions when he gets out," Keith called. Lance turned and gave a nod, heading back out.
He looked back at the kid all bluish from the stained glass.

He does look like Lance.

Hunk prepared food for the others and served it to them. He put a rag over his shoulder and stared and Lance.

He realizes this and stares back in an awkward notion. "Uh, buddy? Whatcha starin' at?" He waved a fork in the air.

"Oh, sorry." Hunk apologized, wiping his forehead. "It's just, you really do look like the kid. Except for his eyes and skin tone, they look like Keith's." Lance, somehow, feels warmth rise in his cheeks. Really? You compare the kid to me and Keith?

He was conflicted a bit about all the remarks of who he looked like, and it was reasonable. The child called him Dad, everyone said he resembled both Lance and Keith, the one guy that made him go shit crazy since the bonding moment he claimed to not remember. Doesn't that add up to something?

"Doesn't it concern you that he called you- ya know, 'Dad'?" Pidge leaned over to him and asked. "What do you think that means?"

"Well, I'm just going on a limb here but, maybe in his reality, I look like his dad?" Lance said questionably. It seemed like the only flat-out answer.

"I mean, when he started frantically apologizing it sorta sold me that he knew me. And when I saw him I just sorta-" he made a gesture towards his chest in a circular motion, "I sorta felt something. Like, I was anxious in a way for him?"

Everyone looked confused and dumbfounded, but Shiro decided to speak up.

"Whatever he is to us, he must know that we can get him home. You saw the kid, he was crying so hard you could barely see his eyes."

They all made similar noises in agreement.

"But, how do we even get him home? The hole closed when his pod came through, I don't think we'll be able to open it up." Lance interjected.

"Pidge and I could work on that later. For now, we need to know where he came from and what his goal was to be on that craft." Hunk put a hand on Lance's shoulder and smiled, it practically cured Lance's anxiety.

"You're right. How long do you think he'll be in the chamber?"

"He's already out."

Love, Child [Klance AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang